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League of Women Voters, Dayton Area Chapter Records

Identifier: MS-123

Scope and Content

The records within the Dayton Area League of Women Voters Collection fall naturally into eight series: (I) Administrative Records; (II) Newsletters; (III) Local Issues and Programs; (IV) State Issues and Programs; (V) National Issues and Programs; (VI) International Issues; (VII) Voter Guides; and (VIII) Scrapbooks.

Series I contains the Minute Record for the Dayton Area League since its inception in May of 1920 through 1970. Within the Minute Record...
are also various Committee reports, a monthly financial statement, and up until 1931, annual reports. Starting in 1932, Minutes of the Annual Meeting and Annual Reports are kept separately; and this record runs through 1971. Also contained in Series 1 are annual reports to the State and National League (1954-1965) and league Membership lists (1935-37 and 1945-57).

Series II has copies of the League's newsletters, The Dayton Women Citizen (1926-1956), The Dayton Voter/Voter (1957-1995) as well as the state level newsletters Ohio Voter and Statehouse Action. These newsletters contain announcements of League events, discussions of current political issues, information on local candidates, and various items of interest to League members and area voters. This series provides a fairly complete, chronological record of League activities and highlights the major issues and programs studied by the Dayton Area League and the Ohio League during the years 1926 through the 1980s. A nearly complete run of The Voter is also available for the year 1995, the 75th Anniversary Year. League press releases and radio and television transcripts are also included. Some non-league issue-related publications and correspondence complete this series.

Series III consists of various files covering local issues studied by League Members. Included are studies on local tax issues in Dayton and Kettering, county government revision, voting and local elections, studies of several local school districts, welfare, model cities, municipal courts, Dayton charter revision, zoning studies, children's issues and others. Also included in this series are Local Programs Books which outline a yearly plan of action, pin pointing issues that the Dayton Area League will concern itself with for a given year. The files in this series are limited to county, municipal, and school district issues and the span dates are 1927-1985.

State Issues and Programs, Series IV, contains information from studies on such subjects as Ohio Constitutional Revision, State Finances, State Courts, Education and Civil Service. State Program books are also included, and the span dates for this series are 1932-1979.

Series V and VI, National Issues and International Issues respectively, contain League studies on civil rights, atomic energy, water resources, taxation, Electoral College reform, Congressional reform, foreign policy, UNESCO, Chinese-America relations, mutual security, and international trade. Span dates for Series V, National Issues, are 1923-1978, and Series VI, International Issues, are 1951-1971.

Series VII contains the Voter Guides. These are annual newsprint publications that give detailed information about state and local political issues, candidates' biographies and position statements and other voters information. They are typically published and distributed several weeks before elections, usually in October. The series goes from April 1945 to November 1981. It is on microfilm and is filed as MFM-29. Voter Guides subsequently received as additions are available in paper form and span the years 1952-2000.

Series VIII, Scrapbooks, span from 1945 through the early 1970s. Some larger news clippings included in this series are dated from the 1980s.

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  1. Series I: Administrative Records
  2. Series II: Publications, Public Relations, and Correspondence
  3. Series III: Local Issues and Programs
  4. Series IV: State Issues and Programs
  5. Series V: National Issues and Programs
  6. Series VI: International Issues
  7. Series VII: Voter Guides (Microfilm and Paper)
  8. Series VIII: Scrapbooks


  • Creation: 1920-2000


Restrictions on Access

There are no restrictions on accessing materials in this collection.

Restrictions on Use

Copyright restrictions may apply. Unpublished manuscripts are protected by copyright. Permission to publish, quote or reproduce must be secured from the repository and the copyright holder.

History of League of Women Voters, Dayton Area Chapter

The League of Women Voters was founded in 1920, the year American women were granted the right to vote by the passage of the 19th Amendment. It was an outgrowth of the movement for woman suffrage, and was first organized to provide a forum for newly-enfranchised women to study the political issues of the day and become well-informed, active participants in government.

The League has since grown into a nationwide organization that works to promote political...
responsibility on the part of all citizens. It is non-partisan and does not support or oppose political parties or candidates, but seeks to help voters by supplying factual and background information, believing that "an informed citizenry is essential to good government." The League does take stands on public issues, however, after conducting extensive studies and reaching a consensus of the membership.

Members of the local Leagues work on the same national issues, the choice being made at a biennial convention, all local leagues within a state consider the same state issues, and each local league chooses its own program.

The Dayton Area League of Women Voters was organized in May of 1920 and has enjoyed an unbroken record of active participation in local, state, national and international issues and politics since that time. It is currently known as the League of Women Voters of the Greater Dayton Area (LWVGDA).

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15.75 linear feet

Language of Materials


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The League of Women Voters was founded in 1920, the year American women were granted the right to vote by the passage of the 19th Amendment. The League has since grown into a nationwide organization that works to promote political responsibility on the part of all citizens. It is non-partisan and does not support or oppose political parties or candidates, but it does take stands on public issues, after conducting extensive studies and reaching a consensus of the membership. The Dayton Area League of Women Voters was organized in May of 1920 and has enjoyed an unbroken record of active participation in local, state, national and international issues and politics since that time. It is currently known as the League of Women Voters of the Greater Dayton Area (LWVGDA).

Statement of Arrangement

The collection is arranged into eight series as follows:

  1. Series I: Administrative Records
  2. Series II: Publications, Public Relations, and Correspondence
  3. Series III: Local Issues and Programs
  4. Series IV: State Issues and Programs
  5. Series V: National Issues and Programs
  6. Series VI: International Issues
  7. Series VII: Voters Guides (Microfilm and Paper)
  8. Series VIII: Scrapbooks

Acquisition Information

The records of the Dayton Area Chapter of the League of Women Voters were accessioned into the Wright State University Special Collections and Archives Department in March of 1981. Ms. Sharon Harmer, a former League vice president, served as liaison between the University and the League in this transaction.


Additional records may be deposited in the future.

Related Material

MS-249 League of Women Voters of Yellow Springs Records,

Separated Materials

Microfilm of The Voter's Guides, MFM-29 (DB Roll 2437), is separated to the microfilm cabinets.

Processing Information

Processed by Dorothy Smith, Winter 1982. Additions processed by Ella Mauk, Summer 1988, and Ximena Chrisagis, August and December, 2012.

Voter guides and scrapbooks present in the additions processed in 2012 have NOT been microfilmed, scanned, or photocopied. They have been filed in acid-free folders and interleaved with acid free paper to slow deterioration. The exception is that selected items from the 25th Anniversary Scrapbook have been photocopied.

Guide to the League of Women Voters, Dayton Area Chapter (MS-123)
Finding aid prepared by Dorothy Smith, Winter 1982; Ella Mauk, Summer 1988; and Ximena Chrisagis, August 2012 and December 2012
Description rules
Describing Archives: A Content Standard
Language of description
Script of description
Language of description note
Finding aid written in English

Revision Statements

  • Summer 1988: Ella Mauk
  • December 2012: Ximena Chrisagis

Repository Details

Part of the Special Collections Repository

Wright State University Libraries
Special Collections and Archives
3640 Colonel Glenn Hwy
Dayton OH 45435-0001 USA