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Alpha Delta Kappa Epsilon Scrapbooks

Identifier: MS-581

Content Description

The Alpha Delta Kappa Epsilon Scrapbooks document the meetings and events of the organization. Thirteen scrapbooks contain meeting records such as agendas, treasurer’s reports, member and officer lists, and newsletters. Other materials include photographs of members at meetings and events, newspaper articles, programs from different meetings and state conventions, and letters to the chapter as well as greeting cards.

The collection is arranged in chronological...
order, except for the last box where the scrapbooks overlap in date range. The materials date from 1957 to 2012. The following scrapbooks are in poor condition and should be handled with care: 1957-1967, 1967-1973, and 1973-1976.

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  • Creation: 1957-2012


Conditions Governing Access

There are no restrictions on accessing paper-based materials in this collection. For access to the electronic records (indicated by an e-number, e.g., ms581_e0001) in this collection, please provide a minimum of 7 days advance notice.

Conditions Governing Use

Copyright restrictions may apply. Unpublished manuscripts are protected by copyright. Permission to publish, quote, or reproduce must be secured from the repository and the copyright holder.

Biographical / Historical

Alpha Delta Kappa was founded in 1947 by Agnes Shipman Robertson, Marie Neal, Marion Southall and Hattie Poppino, visionary women who saw a need to recognize and support the professional efforts of outstanding women educators. Since 1947, over 125,000 women educators around the world have discovered the many opportunities provided by membership in Alpha Delta Kappa — opportunities for recognition of commitment to educational excellence, for personal... and professional growth and for collectively channeling their energies toward the good of schools, communities, the teaching profession and the world. Headquartered in Kansas City, Missouri, Alpha Delta Kappa has more than 1,200 chapters located in towns and cities in every state in the U.S., and around the world in Australia, Canada, Jamaica, Mexico and Puerto Rico. Membership, which is honorary and based on peer recognition, provides a wealth of opportunities for leadership development and networking through workshops, training sessions, conferences and conventions.

The Ohio Epsilon Chapter was established February 10, 1957 at Miami Hotel in Dayton, Ohio. Charter members were Lois Baggett, Lorena Drewes, Rose Drexler, Eulene Dugan, Hazel Gilbert, Frances Henry, Inez Marie Jones, Elizabeth Kleckner, Frances Landis, Leona Lautzenheiser, Doris Marker, Mary Lou Poorman, Louise Reason, and Norma Toedtman. Membership is limited, so members must be recommended and fulfill certain requirements. A teacher must be actively teaching for a minimum of three years at the time of pledging, be professionally sound, and of good community and moral standing. She must have a degree or the equivalent in certification. Alpha Delta Kappa offers social and professional contacts, Summer Scholarships for worthy members, and a Teachers’ Exchange Plan.

The chapter holds monthly meetings and members attend state conventions every year. Meetings consist of general business, holiday parties, and joint district meetings. Speakers are regularly invited to meetings, and the chapter participates in many events including picnics and luncheons. Epsilon provides scholarships and gives donations to different charities.

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3.5 linear feet (4 boxes)

1.2 Gigabytes (E-Archives (ms581_e0001 and ms581_e0002))

Language of Materials


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Alpha Delta Kappa, an honorary fraternal organization for women educators, was founded in 1947. The Ohio Epsilon Chapter was established in Dayton, Ohio, in 1957.The Epsilon Chapter holds monthly meetings and participates in several events. Since their founding, they have regularly hosted guest speakers and attended state conventions. This collection consists of thirteen scrapbooks documenting meetings and events held by the Ohio Epsilon Chapter and include photographs, programs, newspaper clippings, member lists, and letters.


The collection is arranged chronologically.

Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements

A computer will be required to view electronic records.

Immediate Source of Acquisition

The Alpha Delta Kappa Epsilon Scrapbooks were donated to Wright State University Special Collections and Archives by Chris Tokarz, December 11, 2015.

Existence and Location of Copies

Electronic files containing PDF scans of organizational history from the Alpha Delta Kappa Epsilon Scrapbooks are preserved in the E-Archives (ms581_e0001 and ms581_e0002), in addition to the scrapbooks in the collection.

Related Materials

Montana Alpha Delta Kappa scrapbook, 1959-1969, Montana Historical Society Library. Kansas Fidelis Alpha of Alpha Delta Kappa 1981-1993, Kansas State Historical Society. Georgia Fidelis Alpha, Alpha Delta Kappa scrapbooks 1979-1990, Southwest Georgia Regional Library. Records, 1953-, Alpha Delta Kappa. Alpha Chapter, University of West Florida. Alpha Delta Kappa, Province of Ontario Chapter fonds, Alpha Delta Kappa Province of Ontario Chapter, Special Collections, University of Waterloo Library.

Physical Description

3.5 linear feet & 1.2 GB

Guide to Alpha Delta Kappa Epsilon Scrapbooks MS-581
Julie Hale
2017 Apr 14
Description rules
Describing Archives: A Content Standard
Language of description
Script of description
Language of description note

Repository Details

Part of the Special Collections Repository

Wright State University Libraries
Special Collections and Archives
3640 Colonel Glenn Hwy
Dayton OH 45435-0001 USA