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National Association of Letter Carriers, Ladies Auxiliary Branch 138 Records

Identifier: MS-163

Scope and Contents

The records of Ladies Auxiliary Branch 138 of the National Association of Letter Carriers document the organization’s structure, activities, membership, and finances from its beginning through the late 1970s. The records are divided into five series: Administrative Records, Financial Documents, Correspondence, Convention Materials, and Histories.

Series I: Administrative Records, is divided into two sub-series: Minutes of Membership Meetings; and...
By-Laws, Constitution, and a Membership List. Subseries IA: Minutes of Membership Meetings, contains the minutes for meetings of Ladies Auxiliary Branch 84 from 1914 to 1915. It also contains the minutes for Ladies Auxiliary Branch 138 from 1920 to 1978. The years of 1967 and 1970 are missing. Subseries IB: By-Laws, Constitution, Membership List, contains: Auxiliary By-Laws from 1943, 1953, 1963, and 1965; a 1976 Constitution; Proposed Amendments and Resolutions from 1962; and a 1966 Membership List.

Series II: Financial Documents, is divided into three sub-series: Treasurer’s Reports, Membership Dues Records, and Miscellaneous Financial. Subseries IIA: Treasurer’s Reports, 1923-1974, skip the years 1959 to 1961. They report the receipts and disbursements of a general fund. Subseries IIB: Membership Dues Records, span from 1967 to 1974. Subseries IIC: Miscellaneous Financial contains four miscellaneous files dating 1957-1964.

Series III: Correspondence, is incomplete, but dates from 1952 to 1978. It is of a very general nature, but mainly concerns the group’s national and charitable activities.

Series IV: Convention Materials, contains Proceedings of Conventions of the National Ladies Auxiliary from 1962, 1964, and 1966; Minutes of the National Ladies Auxiliary Convention, 1964; and Minutes of Conventions of the Ohio State Ladies Auxiliary from 1961, 1963, and 1967.

Series V: Histories, contains social histories of Ladies Auxiliary Branch 138 from 1926 to 1941, and 1942 to 1944. The history of 1926 to 1941 is incomplete with two of four pages missing. Also included in this series is a Citation of Honor from the National Association of Letter Carriers.

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  • Creation: 1914 - 1978


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Copyright restrictions may apply. Unpublished manuscripts are protected by copyright. Permission to publish, quote, or reproduce must be secured from the repository and the copyright holder.

Biographical / Historical

The Ladies Auxiliary Branch 138 was a local branch of the National Association of Letter Carriers Auxiliary (NALC). The first auxiliary group of the NALC was established in 1905 by women interested in letter carrier issues. The members consisted of wives, daughters, mothers, and sisters of letter carriers. Their goal was to help the NALC provide better working conditions for letter carriers through legislation. As of 2019, the National Association... of Letter Carriers Auxiliary is an active organization dedicated to supporting and assisting letter carriers.

Auxiliary Branch 138 is a reorganization of the earlier Ladies Auxiliary Branch 84. The Gem City Ladies Auxiliary 84 was organized on February 13, 1914 with eighteen members. The organization seems to have disappeared in 1915 with no record of its disbanding. The Ladies Auxiliary Branch 138 was organized on October 9, 1920. The branch’s first president was Mrs. Olive Shippers and their first secretary was Mrs. Lora Sollenberger. As of 2012, Auxiliary 138 continues to be an active branch.

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2.0 linear feet

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Ladies Auxiliary Branch 138 of the National Association of Letter Carriers (NALC) is a reorganization of the earlier Ladies Auxiliary Branch 84, which existed from 1914-1915. Ladies Auxiliary Branch 138 was organized in Dayton in 1920. The records consists of administrative records, financial documents, correspondence, convention materials, and histories of the organization, and document the organization’s structure, activities, membership, and finances from its beginning through the late 1970s.


The collection is arranged in five series, some containing subseries:

Series I:
Administrative Records, 1914-1978
Subseries IA:
Minutes of Membership Meetings, 1914-1978
Subseries IB:
By-Laws, Constitution, Membership List, 1943-1976
Series II:
Financial Documents, 1923-1974
Subseries IIA:
Treasurer’s Reports, 1923-1974
Subseries IIB:
Membership Dues Records, 1967-1974
Subseries IIC:
Miscellaneous Financial, 1957-1964
Series III:
Correspondence, 1952-1978
Series IV:
Convention Materials, 1962-1967
Series V:
Histories, 1926-1944

Immediate Source of Acquisition

The collection was donated to Special Collections and Archives by Mrs. Virginia H. Robb, President of the National Association of Letter Carriers Ladies Auxiliary Branch 138 on Nov. 11, 1981.

Related Materials

MS-58: National Association of Letter Carriers. Branch 45 Records ( )

MS-164: National Association of Letter Carriers. Branch 182 Records (

Guide to the National Association of Letter Carriers, Ladies Auxiliary Branch 138 Records (MS-163)
Stanley J. Sobiech
1986 June
Description rules
Describing Archives: A Content Standard
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Revision Statements

  • 2019 February: Finding aid revised according to DACS standards by Alyssa Stark and Toni Vanden Bos.

Repository Details

Part of the Special Collections Repository

Wright State University Libraries
Special Collections and Archives
3640 Colonel Glenn Hwy
Dayton OH 45435-0001 USA