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Andrew S. Iddings Papers

Identifier: MS-23

Scope and Contents

Series I, Travel and Exploration, 1880-1972, covers Iddings passion for travel and exploration. Galley proofs for the articles appearing in the book Andrew S. Iddings Explorer are contained within this series. Handwritten notes by Andrew S. Iddings are included for several of his newspaper articles. When no dates were found, the articles were kept in the order in which they were found. Information dealing with Andrew S. Iddings' association with the... Keystone View Company is also found in this grouping.

All correspondence, etc., associated with Andrew S. Iddings' various club memberships dealing with travel and/or exploration are located here. Newspaper articles about the Iddings' brothers and their trips abroad, visa and passport information, itineraries, cruise correspondence and general correspondence are found here. An interesting section contains correspondence between Andrew S. Iddings and his mother. Another item of note that might prove useful to the researcher is a 1950 letter of reference provided by Dayton's Chief of Police M.C. Kirkpatrick (MS-435) that shows Andrew S. Iddings' fingerprints.

Series II, Education and Legal Profession, 1899-1971 comprises Iddings' interactions with colleges and his legal profession. It contains the honorary degrees Iddings received along with collegiate correspondence with multiple colleges including Ohio State and Miami Universities. Of note is documentation of Andrew S. Iddings' gift of a geophysical globe to Miami University.

Legal correspondence, affidavits, and other routine legal correspondence make up the legal profession section of this series. Some items of interest for the researcher might be the correspondence relating to the retirement case of Captain John G. Weeks, a hand-drawn map of Monument Avenue as it appeared in an 1865 Atlas, and the articles of Incorporation for The Producers Co-op Gas Company. Each file covers a set period of years beginning with pre-1920 and ending with 1967. Within these files, the material is arranged chronologically from earliest to latest.

Series III, Business and Personal Finances, 1848-1971, covers the business and personal finance aspects of Iddings' life. This series contains documents from Fyr-Fyter, Dayton Metropolitan Housing Authority and Stillwater Sanitorium. There is a section dedicated to each which includes correspondence and other related materials. The Personal Finance section contains correspondence about stocks Iddings purchased, along with a petty cash ledger. An original Fyr-Fyter Model “A” fire extinguisher (No. N100409) is also in this series. The extinguisher was emptied of chemical by the Wright State University, Environmental, Health and Safety Office.

Series IV, Personal and Family Papers, 1803-1971, documents Iddings on a personal level. It includes family papers, biographical and genealogical materials of Andrew and his family, and general correspondence. Most notable in this section is his correspondence with Governor John M. Bricker, Harry N. Routgohn, M.C., Frederick H. Rike, and Harry P. Jeffery, M.C.

Series V, Photographs and Drawings, 1850-1971, contains photographs relating to the first four series. The collection includes stereographic and glass lantern slides he made when he worked for Keystone. The series is arranged to correlate with the above series. Most notable in this collection are cabinet cards of General McClellan and Mrs. Abraham Lincoln along with three pictures of the Magnetic Springs Hotel in Bellbrook, Ohio which burned down in 1898.

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  • Creation: 1803-1974
  • Creation: Majority of material found within 1900-1971


Language of Materials

The records are in English, German, and Spanish

Restrictions on Access

There are no restrictions on accessing materials in this collection.

Restrictions on Use

Copyright restrictions may apply. Unpublished manuscripts are protected by copyright. Permission to publish, quote or reproduce must be secured from the repository and the copyright holder.

Biography of Andrew S. Iddings

Born in Dayton, Ohio, on October 18th.
Attended Deaver Collegiate Institute in, Dayton, Ohio, withdrew at age 14.
Graduated from Steele High School (in three years), Salutorian.
(Fall) Employed as factory clerk at the National Cash Register Company in Dayton, Ohio.
Peddled law books for the West Publishing Company, of St. Paul, Minnesota.
Apprenticed for law office.
Appointed Deputy Collector of the Internal Revenue Service, Dayton, Ohio.
Toured the Canadian Northwest as a guest of the Canadian Government and Canadian Pacific Railway
(age 21) Appointed Deputy Clerk of the Supreme Court of Ohio, Columbus, Ohio.
Admitted to the Bar in the state of Ohio.
Wrote “A Narrative of Observations of Canada’s Great West”
Quatsino Sound, Vancouver Island
Cruising the fjords (inlets) of the North Pacific in 27 foot sailboat
Life Fellow of the Royal Geographic Society of London, England
Appointed Chief Deputy Clerk of the Courts for Montgomery County, Ohio
Chiapas (Mexico)
Austria-Hungry, the Danube River and the Balkan regions
Membership in Dayton Bar Association (Pres.-no dates)
One of the organizers (with brothers), director, officer, and attorney for the Pyrene Company, Dayto
Founded Law Firm D.W. and A.S. Iddings Dayton, Ohio
Active non-resident member of the Explorers Club of New York, proposed for membership by Adm. Robert
Secretary of the Joint Board of commissioners of Preble and Montgomery Counties, Ohio
South American photographic tour
Founded the Fyr-Fyter Company Dayton, Ohio (manufactured fire extinguishers, etc.)
Wrote a series of articles for the Dayton Journal entitled “Our Neighbors of the South”
Camera coverage of the Western Front WWI
Chief of the photographic staff for the Keystone’s “System of Visual Education”
U.S. District Commissioner
Secretary of the Trustees of the District Tuberculosis Hospital of Montgomery and Preble Counties, O
President of the Ohio Bar Association
Member of the Judicial Council which served as an advisory body to the State Legislature
Charter member of the International Bar Association
Africa, Uganda, and the Congo
One of the three incorporators of the Ohio State Bar Association
Secretary of the Ohio State Bar Foundation
Honorary Life Member of the Explorers Club
Elected Fellow of the American Bar Foundation. Was in the first class received into Life Fellowship
LHD Honorary Degree, University of Dayton
Honorary Life Membership in the National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials
Member International Law and Development of World Peace Through Law Committee
LLD Honorary Degree, Miami University
Donated a specially designed geophysical globe to Miami University in memory of his grandfather, D
Andrew S. Iddings Explorer, published
Founded the Andrew S. Iddings Fund for The Ohio State University College of Law
Died, Dayton, Ohio

Biographical / Historical

Andrew Sheets Iddings was a Dayton lawyer by profession, but he was also a civic leader, explorer, author, and photographer.

Travel and exploration were very important to Iddings, eventually becoming a second career for him. This career began almost by chance in 1902, when Iddings met a representative of the Canadian Immigration Department who was looking for Ohio government officials willing to tour the Canadian Northwest. Iddings was interested...
and this trip marked the beginning of many other foreign adventures. Some of these adventures took form as an African safari and three world tours.

Traveling provided Andrew S. Iddings with material to use in writing and in photography. He became a stereographic photographer for the Keystone View Company in the early 1900s. As an author, he built quite a reputation for himself by writing newspaper articles and magazine articles on his travels. A biography entitled Andrew S. Iddings Explorer: The Story of his Life and Travels tells of his life and reprints many of his articles.

Andrew S. Iddings followed family tradition when he became a lawyer. Both his father and grandfather had successfully practiced law in Ohio before him. The partnership of D.W. and A.S. Iddings was so successful that over the years it expanded to become Iddings, Jeffery, and Donnelly.

The three Iddings brothers founded the Fyr-Fyter Company in 1916. This manufacturing venture was established to manufacture a line of fire extinguishers and other related products. It remained under their control until 1946, when it was sold to an eastern bidder, William M. Wetzel. Roscoe C. Iddings served as President and active manager for two years. With his retirement in 1947, the Iddings brothers' association with the Fyr-Fyter Company was terminated.

Being part of the 1909 Commissioners of Montgomery County and Preble County, Iddings assisted in many decisions. One such decision shed light on the deplorable conditions of the Stillwater Sanitorium. He was elected Secretary of the Board of Trustees on May 4, 1934 and oversaw the rebuilding of facilities and updating of equipment at the Sanitorium.

Iddings became a member of the Dayton City Plan Board in 1934. It was during this time that the Federal Low Rent Housing statute passed and he was highly interested in building affordable housing in Dayton. He eventually became Chairman of the Dayton Metropolitan Housing Authority and oversaw the completion of eight housing projects.

Andrew S. Iddings was always a supporter of Dayton, Ohio. Serving on many different civic and cultural boards until his death in 1974 at the age of 93, Iddings helped Dayton become a leader in municipal development.

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7.5 linear feet (17 boxes and 2 oversize folders)

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Correspondence, notes, travel journals, clippings, financial records, and business files pertaining to Iddings' long career as a lawyer, businessman, civic leader and photographer in Dayton, Ohio.

Statement of Arrangement

The collection is arranged into 5 series:

  1. Series I: Travel and Exploration, 1880-1972
  2. Series II: Education and Legal Profession, 1899-1971
  3. Series III: Business and Personal Finances, 1838-1971
  4. Series IV: Personal and Family Papers, 1803-1971
  5. Series V: Photographs and Drawings, 1850-1971

Other Finding Aid

The finding aid is available on the Wright State University Libraries' Special Collections and Archives web site at

Acquisition Information

The papers were given to Wright State University Archives on May 30, 1974, by Andrew Iddings' nephew, Mr. Jefferson Brooks Walters.


Erwin, Paul F. Andrew S. Iddings; explorer the story of his life and travels, 1967. Available in the Reading Room: G226 .I3 E7.


The Fyr-Fyter fire extinguisher in this collection no longer contains any carbon tetrachloride.

Processing Information

The collection was partially processed by Carol Chamberlain in June, 1979. It was fully processed by Nina Herzog and Toni Vanden Bos in September, 2014.

Guide to the Andrew S. Iddings Papers (MS-23)
Finding aid prepared by Carol Chamberlain, June 8, 1979, Nina Herzog and Toni Vanden Bos, September 2014.
Description rules
Describing Archives: A Content Standard
Language of description
Script of description
Language of description note
Finding aid written in English

Repository Details

Part of the Special Collections Repository

Wright State University Libraries
Special Collections and Archives
3640 Colonel Glenn Hwy
Dayton OH 45435-0001 USA