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Land and Water Conservation Fund, 1989-1990

 File — Box: s01I b02, Folder: 57
Identifier: 1I

Scope and Contents

From the Series:

Series 1: General Files comprises the bulk of the collection and includes records that pertain to the organization as a whole or to no one park in particular. Occasionally, files pertaining mostly to a particular park have been placed in the General series, when they are most closely related to other files that belong in the General series (e.g., bird studies).

Subseries 1A: History and Governing Documents, 1 linear foot of materials dating from 1961 to 2004, consists largely documents pertaining to the origination and early history of the park system, such as the Open Space Study and Committee. This series also includes some narrative histories of the park system, as well as information about legislation affecting it. Note: Printed booklets of the park system history can also be found in the Publications subseries.

Subseries 1B: Events, 2.21 linear feet of materials dating from 1980 to 2013, concerning events or attractions connected to Five Rivers Metroparks. Five Rivers Metroparks events are typically free activities, promoting the parks to new users who can explore the event on their own time. This subseries contains four categories. “Schedules and Calendars” includes general events information. “Special Events Hosted at 5RMP” documents events, from charity runs to fireworks displays, hosted by local organizations at Five Rivers Metroparks facilities. Many of these special events permits and applications are bulk filed by the year in which they occurred, so some events may appear in the collection without being identified on the finding aid folder descriptions. “5RMP at Local Events” represents Metroparks presence at Miami Valley festivals. Materials relate to the celebrations of historical events like the City of Dayton’s bicentennial and Juneteenth, as well as to events like the Montgomery County Fair. “Events at 5RMP” contains Events that Five River Metroparks organized and hosted. For other, more formal structured Five Rivers Metroparks events/activities, see Subseries 1H, Programs and Outreach. Most of the material is arranged alphabetically, but bulk files of permits and schedules are arranged chronologically.

Subseries 1C: Surveys and Assessments, 4 linear feet of materials dating from 1968 to 2010, consists of data and reports concerning wildlife, vegetation, and the environment, as well as demographics, public opinion, and marketing studies of Five Rivers MetroParks’ users. A majority of the wildlife studies and reports pertain to birds.

Subseries 1D: Public Relations and Marketing, 13 linear feet of materials dating from 1964 to 2013, consists of the records and imagery used for promotion and branding, including logos, slogans, and advertising. A large portion (7 linear feet) of this subseries is newspaper clippings, including some advertisement tear sheets. The majority of the clippings are from the Dayton Daily News, but regional newspapers and some magazines are included as well. The clippings date between 1964 and 2010, with the bulk from 1990 to 2005. Press releases dating between 1964 and 2007 account for another 3 linear feet. Additional materials in this series include annual marketing reports; documents concerning branding, logos, graphics, and the web site; marketing plans and meeting notes; advertising and promotional materials; documents concerning the speakers’ bureau; and some financial records specific to this department.

Subseries 1E: Projects and Plans, 6 linear feet of materials dating from 1930 to 2015 (bulk 1965 to 2005), includes files on land acquisition and stewardship, facilities and infrastructure, and projects related to the entire park system or to multiple parks. It includes files regarding area bicycle paths, as well as collaborative projects with other local entities, such as Miami Valley Regional Planning Commission, Miami Conservancy District, Dayton Aviation Heritage Area, and numerous others. Files specifically concerning the Leland Center are found in this series, including original (1930) architectural drawings by Louis Lott. Of particular note in this series are the original Ohio Open Space grant application (OS-35 and OS-54) materials, which helped to fund significant land acquisitions for some of the earlier parks. The Open Space files include maps, appraisal reports (including photographs), as well as other information. Because the Open Space files make the most sense as a group, they remain together in this series, rather than being split into the series pertaining to any specific parks; therefore, it is important to note that early information about such parks such as Englewood, Drylick, Carriage Hill, Possum Creek, and Sugarcreek can be found here. Also in this series are several strategic plans.

Subseries 1F: Publications, 4 linear feet of materials dating from 1963 to 2013, includes formal publications and pamphlets. Major titles include the general newsletters Green Mansion Notes (1963-1989), Park District Notes (1985-1989), and Metro Parkways (1996-2013 with some gaps); Your Guide to Nature and Recreation (1991-1996), listing a upcoming park activities; employee newsletters Metropolitan News and Views (1964), Park District Employee News (1986-1992) and The Steward (1993); Friends of MetroParks newsletter Insider (1995-2003); volunteer newsletter Volunteer Vibes (2007-2008); annual and biennial reports; several published histories (booklets) about the organization; published strategic plans; visitor guides; and brochures on a variety of topics. Materials are organized according to type of publication, then chronologically.

Subseries 1G: Volunteers and Employment, 1.42 linear feet of material dating from 1969 to 2012 (with some material from circa 2013-2019, as well as undated material), contains material documenting the roles and management of Five Rivers MetroParks staff and volunteers. Material includes volunteer and employee handbooks, information on the development and evolution of human resources policies, as well as training information and strategic planning about human resources. It also features information about the park system’s volunteers, including volunteer contributions and recognition. A final section features material like clippings and business cards for specific staff, board members, and contributors. The material is arranged chronologically within each of six groupings: general; volunteer; employee satisfaction survey; supervisor training; and information and clippings on staff, board, and people.

Subseries 1H: Programs and Outreach consists of 3.42 linear feet of materials dating from 1972 to 2010, though some undated material may be from as early as 1965. This series contains material documenting the planning, implementation, and promotion of programming and outreach efforts by Five Rivers Metroparks. Five River Metroparks programs serve a targeted, smaller audience, who attend on a set schedule. Programming is diverse. It includes educational programs, community engagement, exhibits, hikes, symposia, and workshops. Recurring themes are wildlife, environmental protection and conservation, crafts, local history, and community service, particularly for youths. Material is arranged alphabetically by program name. Additionally, this subseries contains background information on program planning. “Trends” features several files exploring the potential effect of various societal trends on park usage. “Program Reports and Statistics” contains detailed charts documenting Five Rivers Metroparks programming and attendance. These statistical materials are arranged chronologically.

Subseries 1I: Financial, 2 linear feet of materials dating from 1964 to 2012, includes materials pertaining to the funding and expenses of the park system, primarily the various levy campaigns from 1964-65 through 2009. This series also includes information about other income sources such as United Way campaigns, grants, and foundations, as well as budgets and expenses. Note: Some financial information pertaining to specific departments may be found in that subseries (e.g., Public Relations and Marketing).

Subseries 1J: Meeting Minutes, 4 linear feet of materials dating from 1962 to 2012, consists primarily of the Board of Park Commissioners meeting minutes (1962-2012); Interpretive Planning meeting minutes (1987-1997), concerning the direction of the parks’ educational and outreach programs; and Managers meeting minutes (1999-2007); as well as other various meetings. Materials are organized according to meeting title, then chronologically. Note: Board of Park Commissioner meeting minutes from 2011 to present can be viewed online at

Subseries 1K: Correspondence, 1.42 linear feet of material dating from 1964 to 1991, contains letters, emails, and memos relating to park district operations. The material is arranged by origin of the correspondence—in some cases, letters to and from a given party are filed together (e.g., the director’s incoming and outgoing correspondence). The first section contains correspondence by and about Five Rivers MetroParks. This correspondence generally pertains to the everyday management of the park district, including topics such as employment, park equipment, guest relations, and administrative items. Director’s correspondence is first, and is arranged chronologically. The majority of these letters were written to and from directors Donald Schmidt and Marvin Olinsky (with some letters relating to J. R. Lawwill), but correspondence to and from other members of the Five Rivers administration and staff is also included. The director’s correspondence is followed by correspondence sent within the Park District (e.g., internal memos), correspondence with parkgoers, correspondence with the Park Board, and letters on specific topics or with specific correspondents. The remaining files in the subseries contain correspondence with external agencies in Montgomery County and Ohio. These document the relationship and interactions between Five Rivers MetroParks and these agencies. Note that additional correspondence relating to specific topics and projects may appear in other relevant subseries.

Subseries 1L: Committees and Associations, 2.21 linear feet of material dating from 1962-2010, includes materials such as correspondence, minutes, and plans of Five Rivers MetroParks committees, partnering committees, and allied organizations. Of particular importance are the committees in charge of river corridor development and open space conservation, e.g. SPRUCE. Also of note are correspondence, minutes, and plans relating to professional associations and local organizations, such as the National Recreation and Park Association, Ohio Parks and Recreation Association, Glen Helen, and the Ohio Museum Conference. Some of these materials document the story of Five Rivers MetroParks, while others document the relationships of the park district and its staff with external organizations. The material is arranged alphabetically by committee or organization title, and chronologically within each committee.

Subseries 1M: Administrative, 1.42 linear feet of material dating from 1964-2012, contains materials relating to the day-to-day management of Five Rivers MetroParks. The materials are divided into two groupings: General Administrative Information, and Planning and Goals. Each group is arranged chronologically. The general category includes materials like permits and licenses obtained by the Park District, permits issued to citizens using the parks for research, documents on the acquisition of animals to support the park’s educational mission, and information on obtaining supplies. Also of interest in this group are the appointment calendars of founding park district director J. Richard Lawwill, as well as the calendars of early park administrative staff, including Clara Wine. The second group, Planning and Goals, contains documents like mission statements, 10-year plans and other long-term planning documents. The group spans 1964-2011, but the bulk of the documents relate to planning for 5RMP’s “Parks 21” levy campaign in 1999. “Parks 21” material contains overarching planning for the entire park district, as well as plans relating to specific park divisions or departments (alphabetized by name). The department files contain not only planning documents, but also context information about the department, such as annual reports and correspondence relating to the execution of the strategic plans. Please note that additional information on strategic plans can be found in subseries 1E.

Subseries 1N: Legal, 1.42 linear feet of material dating from 1964 to 2008, contains materials documenting legal matters relating to Five Rivers MetroParks. This includes documents relating to court cases in which 5RMP was involved, probate court documents (largely public official bonds for the Park District Board of Trustees), paperwork discussing 5RMP’s 501(c)(3) status, and general information on laws and guidelines that affect 5RMP’s operation. Of note among the court cases is a statewide lawsuit regarding Ohio’s recreation immunity statute, which relates to a park district’s liability in events where a citizen is injured while using park district facilities. Another case, (City of Worthington v. City of Columbus) discusses whether eminent domain could be used to repurpose land formally designated as parkland. Please note that other legal documentation, such as lease information, appears in other places in the collection.

Subseries 1O: Policies and Procedures, 1 linear foot of material dating from 1964 to 2011, includes materials documenting the park district’s policies and procedures. This includes the policies and procedures themselves, as well as material documenting their development (e.g., research, discussions, and drafts). The materials cover a wide range of topics. They include information on park and park district management (e.g., rules and regulations, records management, boundaries policies), employees and park goers (e.g., Americans with Disabilities Act compliance, photo release forms), natural resources (e.g., use of pesticides and herbicides, land management, planting guidelines), facilities (e.g., use of park shelters), and equipment. Materials in the subseries are arranged alphabetically by subject, with folder titles describing the general theme of the policies contained within.


  • Creation: 1989-1990


Conditions Governing Access

There are no donor-imposed restrictions on access restrictions for this collection; however, necessary preservation and logistical restrictions are described below.

Audio/visual materials: Due to preservation concerns, only reference copies of original audio and video materials can be accessed in the reading room. Items without reference copies can be digitized at the request of a patron for the cost of creating a digital copy. Please provide us at least two weeks advance notice if you would like to request an audio or video reference copy. Call (937) 775-2092 or e-mail us at Use of digitized content is subject to conditions governing use.

Electronic records: Access to electronic files in this collection, indicated by an e-number (e.g., ms45_e0001), is restricted until they are fully processed. Requests for unprocessed electronic records can be submitted for consideration, with at least two weeks advance notice. Call (937) 775-2092 or e-mail us at Archives staff reserve the right to restrict access to files with privacy or confidentiality concerns or to deny requests in which the review period is insufficient, given the volume of records requested and the desired access date. Access to original electronic media (original CD, floppy disk, etc.) is restricted.


From the Collection: 52.15 linear feet : (processed linear feet)

From the Collection: 116.6 linear feet : (estimated overall linear feet)

Language of Materials

From the Collection: English

Repository Details

Part of the Local Government Records Repository

Wright State University Libraries
Special Collections and Archives
3640 Colonel Glenn Hwy
Dayton OH 45435 USA