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Springfield Typographical Union No. 117 Records

Identifier: MS-47

Scope and Contents

The materials date from 1901 1976 with the vast majority of it falling between 1930 1958 are organized into three series. The majority of the collection is comprised of minutes of the Union's regular meetings, Business Committee minutes, and correspondence.

Series I: Administrative Information (1.25 linear feet) contains the charter (1901), constitution, by laws, minutes of regular meetings (1935-1967) and business meetings (1935-1955), various committee...
reports and minutes, reports of the International Typographical Union and the Ohio Typographical Union and the Ohio Federation of Labor Convention. These materials date between 1901 and 1976 (bulk 1930-1958) and are arranged chronologically.

Series II: Business Information (2 files) contains financial reports (1937-1942) and Monthly Survey of Business (Pamphlets) (1931 1933), arranged chronologically.

Series III: Operational Activities (2.75 linear feet) contains business-oriented correspondence (1927 1951 and undated), arranged chronologically; contract and scale information; Crowell Collier Scale Material (1943 1946, 1950 1956); Crowell Lockout (1923) information; and Wage Scale Agreements. Some materials pertain to wage scale matters such as proposals and agreements between the Union and the Crowell Collier Management, and this series also contains information and general correspondence on the Crowell Lockout of 1923. These materials date between 1923 and 1965.

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  • Creation: 1901-1976
  • Creation: Majority of material found within 1930-1958

Conditions Governing Access

There are no restrictions on accessing material in this collection.

Conditions Governing Use

Copyright restrictions may apply. Unpublished manuscripts are protected by copyright. Permission to publish, quote, or reproduce must be secured from the repository and the copyright holder.

Biographical / Historical

The Springfield Typographical Union No. 117, located at 138 West High Street, Springfield, Ohio 45502, was first formed in 1868. On July 28, 1882, it was reorganized and this was the real creation of the Union as it is known today. It also become the second organized union in Springfield, the Iron Molders Union being the first. Together, the two formed the Knights of Labor and Mad River Assembly, which in 1890 became known as the Trades and Labor... Assembly and today is titled the Mad River Federated Labor Council.

The objectives of the Springfield Typographical Union No. 117, as stated in the constitution are as follows: “to protect, maintain and advance craft interests, to secure adequate compensation for its members; to prescribe rules to govern trade relations, and to secure to its members their rights under law and custom.”

Some of the founders of the Union in 1868 were John H. Campbell, Frederick Meekin, F. E. Harwood, Nina Wartenbe, Edgar H. Osborne, N. T. Brown, William O. Mead. In 1882: J. F. Moorehouse, Jacob Grieser, S. P. Behrend, Ralph Wetmore, B. F. Redd, T. J. Creager, and W. A. Martin.

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4 linear feet (8 Hollinger boxes)

Language of Materials


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The records of the Springfield Typographical Union No. 117 cover the period 1901 1976 and consist of minutes of regular meetings, minutes of various committees, including the Business Committee, correspondence, conference reports, and material concerning strikes and lockouts.


The collection is organized into three series: Series I: Administrative Information, 1901-1976 (bulk 1930-1958) Series II: Business Information, 1931-1942 Series III: Operational Activities, 1923-1965

Immediate Source of Acquisition

The records were accessioned by Wright State University on October 11, 1977, as part of the Ohio Labor Project. The records were acquired as part of the Ohio Labor Project sponsored by the Ohio Historical Society, the Ohio AFL CIO, and the Labor Education and Research Service at Ohio State University. The purpose of this project was to “locate and recover materials relating to the history of labor in Ohio and to make the importance of this history clear to the public.”


No further accruals are expected.

Processing Information

Processed by Patricia Burnett, November 1977. Revised according to DACS by Lisa Rickey, June 2016.

Guide to the Springfield Typographical Union No. 117 Records (MS-47)
Patricia Burnett, Lisa Rickey
2016 June 10
Description rules
Describing Archives: A Content Standard
Language of description
Script of description
Language of description note

Revision Statements

  • 20160610: Finding aid revised according to DACS by Lisa Rickey, June 2016.

Repository Details

Part of the Special Collections Repository

Wright State University Libraries
Special Collections and Archives
3640 Colonel Glenn Hwy
Dayton OH 45435-0001 USA