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Andrew S. Iddings Wright Brothers Homecoming Collection

Identifier: MS-192

Scope and Content

The collection visually documents the two-day Homecoming Celebration which was a salute to the Wrights' accomplishments in aviation. The Wrights had just returned from successful exhibition flights in France, Germany, and Italy where they received accolades from heads of states and gained fame throughout Europe. The event included receptions, parades, concerts, and firework displays all in honor of Dayton's hometown heroes. Daytonians were even given... the opportunity to shake hands with Orville and Wilbur at the Dayton YMCA building, then on the corner of Third and Ludlow. On June 18th, at a ceremony at the fairgrounds, Orville and Wilbur received a Congressional Medal, a State of Ohio gold medal presented by Governor Judson Harmon, and a City of Dayton medal from Mayor Edward E. Burkhardt.

Photographs from this collection are available for viewing in CORE Scholar, the Campus Online Repository, at: To search for a specific image in CORE Scholar, search for the item using the following format: ms192_xxx, where "xxx" represents the three-digit image number listed in the finding aid. If the image number is less than 3 digits, include leading zeroes. For example, to locate image #1, search for ms192_001.

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  • Creation: June 1909


Restrictions on Access

There are no restrictions on accessing materials in this collection.

Restrictions on Use

There are no donor restrictions on the use of this collection. Permission to publish, quote, or reproduce must be secured from the repository and the copyright holder.

Biography of Andrew S. Iddings

Andrew S. Iddings was born on October 18, 1880, in Dayton, Ohio. He was a lawyer by profession, but was also interested in exploration and photography. In 1902, he was given the opportunity to tour the Canadian Northwest as a guest of the Canadian government. Later he traveled to many parts of the world including Mexico, and parts of the Near East, South America, and Africa. During his travels Iddings tried to capture the wonders of these areas with... his camera. Working for the Keystone View Company, he took thousands of stereographic photographs that entertained and educated Americans on various cultures of the world. Iddings was always a supporter of Dayton, Ohio. He served on many different civic and cultural boards until his death in 1974 and the age of 93.

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1.0 linear feet

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Collection consists of negatives with accompanying contact prints, taken by Andrew S. Iddings, of the June 17-18, 1909 Dayton Homecoming Celebration to honor Orville and Wilbur Wright for their achievements in flight. In addition to members of the Wright family, other notable figures in the photographs are Ohio Governor Judson Harmon, Dayton Mayor Edward E. Burkhardt, General James Allen, and Lt. Frank Lahm.

Statement of Arrangement

Arranged in original order received.

Other Finding Aid

Photographs from this collection are available for viewing in CORE Scholar, the Campus Online Repository, at:

Acquisition Information

The Andrew S. Iddings Wright Brothers Homecoming Collection was accessioned into the Wright State University Special Collection and Archives in August of 1976. The collection was donated by Brooks Walters, whose mother was a first cousin of Iddings.


Many of the photographs have been published in the book Wright brothers' Home Days Celebration, 1909 : Dayton salutes Wilbur, Orville and itself / photographs by Andrew S. Iddings, from Wright State University Special Collections and Archives, text by Mark Bernstein, 2003 (Call no. F499.D257 .I33 2003)

Processing Information

Processed by Archives Staff, and updated to DACS standard in 2014.

Guide to the Andrew S. Iddings Wright Brothers Homecoming Collection (MS-192)
Finding aid prepared by Staff Archivist
Description rules
Describing Archives: A Content Standard
Language of description
Script of description

Revision Statements

  • 2014: Finding aid revised to DACS standards.

Repository Details

Part of the Special Collections Repository

Wright State University Libraries
Special Collections and Archives
3640 Colonel Glenn Hwy
Dayton OH 45435-0001 USA