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Kenneth J. Crim Papers

Identifier: MS-211

Scope and Content

The collection includes minutes of meetings of the Montgomery County School Board, the Montgomery Joint Vocational School Board, Superintendents' and some statistical reports and studies done in relation to the area schools. Dr. Crim was superintendent of the Montgomery County Schools 1965-1976. There are some years for which there are no minutes. This will be noted under each series. All series are arranged chronologically.

Series 1, the minutes of...
the Montgomery County School Board covers the years 19601975. However, there are no records for January-June, 1974.

Generally, the meetings cover such items as approval of textbooks, school calendar, salaries, travel, personnel and office management and finances and yearly election of board officers. Items of special interest are listed by year.

1960: Change of name of Mad River High School to Walter E. Stebbins High School; the school health program and the policies on the relationship between the schools and the county health department; dedication of the new John Morrison School in the Northridge district; dedication of the Ida A. Weller Elementary School in Washington Township; and a meeting with the county planning commission concerning possibility of combining county - city welfare, health and education buildings.

1961: Federal Aid to Education; bus drivers' physical fitness; pilot study of data processing; re-examination of high school programs with the purpose of preparing pupils with vocational skills for the emerging society; note that county schools enrollment increased 7.9% over 1960-61; contact with NCR regarding data processing; W.A. Driscoll Scholarship Fund for potential teachers in college.

1962: An index for the resolutions considered in 1962 is included and lists the items considered at each meeting; an acceptance of evaluation of teachers forms.

1963: Positions of board on state legislation (H.B. 234, H.B. 847); prayers and bible reading in schools; approved part-time help for school age pupils in Montgomery County Board of Education office for $.75 hr.; T.B. x-rays for all staff members; State Purchase Plan; approval of a data processing center; revisions of the Policies and Procedures of the Montgomery County Board of Education - 1959; a brochure entitled "Montgomery County Schools - Your County Offices, its services and functions" is enclosed.

1964: Approval of employing personnel for the data processing center; place for the data center to be in McGuffey School, 1032 Webster St., Dayton Ohio; consideration of school districts in Montgomery County to establish a joint vocational school; transfer of territory from the Northridge Local School District, Montgomery County to the City of Dayton. The territory in question was annexed to the City; use of NDEA Funds; approval of sale of county office service to Miamisburg School; Neighborhood Youth Corps program.

1965: A letter objecting to the consolidation of the Germantown Schools and Farmersville Schools, Montgomery and Jackson Township is in with these minutes. The original signature of both the President and Secretary of the Board are on these minutes. Other items of special interest are: dedication of the Normandy Elementary School in Washington Township; information from the Department of Curriculum and Instruction are included as are reports from the Department of Personnel Services and the Department of Research and Teacher Personnel; a resolution opposing H.B. 773 and H.B. 800; approval of pending merger of Germantown and Jackson Township - Farmersville Schools; appointment of Dr. Kenneth Crim as County Superintendent as of 9/1/65 replacing Superintendent Edgington who resigned to take a position at the University of Dayton; notes from the Regional Federal Aid Meeting; notice of the formation of the nation's first educational research organization to involve both public and non-public schools and universities in Dayton by a group of southwestern Ohio educators.

1966: The minutes of this year also have the original signatures of the President and Secretary of the Board. There are more financial reports included than in other years. A listing of the resolutions presented to the board for the year is included. This document lists all of the items considered by the board. The Department of Federal Relations was created and a Director appointed (2/66). The name of the department was changed in August, 1966 to the Department of Planning and Development. The Miami Valley Area Curriculum Laboratory and Services Center proposal is included. The Division of Instructional Materials was created within the Curriculum Department.

1967: Sinclair College requested a meeting regarding how the college programs could dovetail with the county Vocational Education Program. Other items of interest include: support for S.B. 204; guidelines for reimbursement for attendance at professional meetings; guidelines pertaining to vacation time; use of cost of living factor in salary adjustments; approval for the Montgomery County Board of Education to become the sponsoring board for a Joint Vocational School, and that the State approved plan be submitted to the member districts; the Joint Vocational School District was created as of 10/20/67 and members of the Board of Education of the Joint Vocational School were approved.

1968: The board adapted a resolution to create a Model Area Education Center.

1969: A list of Resolutions considered this year is included. The original signatures of the President and Secretary of the Board are on the minutes.

Other highlights include: notice that the Washington Township Local School District Montgomery County to be a city district effective March 17, 1969 and be called the Centerville City School District; Resolution supporting the need of income tax for public education in Ohio; transfer of territory from Northmont Local School District to the Madison Township School District and vice versa (maps are included) ; merger of Data Processing into Metropolitan Dayton Educational Cooperative Association; sick leave policy. 1970: A list of the resolutions considered in 1970 is included.

Other items of interest are: a Comprehensive School Pilot Program for Children with Learning and/or Behavioral Disorders under Title VI; a Regional Instructional Materials Center under Title VI, health insurance and a policy regarding Investment of Board of Education Funds - 1970.

1971: A list of the resolutions considered in 1971 is included. Other items of interest are: a resolution in support of the Area Education Resource Center Concept; transfer of John S. Shank property to the Valley View Local School District; Montgomery County Office Program 1971-72; Intern Psychologists Program 1971-72; and transfer policy - 1971.

1972: A list of resolutions considered in 1972 is included. Other items of interest are: resolution pertaining to the Cleveland suit for the recovery of State funds; staff benefits; employment of a teacher consultant for the Neurologically Handicapped; new positions created - E.M.R. Coordinator and Work-Study Coordinator; a resolution supporting participation in the Miami Valley Area Education Cooperative; plans for all Handicapped children; a resolution supporting (Sub) S.B. 405 pertaining to programs for the handicapped.

1973: A list of resolutions considered in 1973 is included. Other items of interest are: E.M.R. Program Development; a resolution supporting Volunteers in Education; Regional Program for Physically Handicapped Children; contract with 648 Board.

1974: There are no minutes for January through June, 1974. Items of interest are: policies pertaining to Personal Leave, Sick Leave and Conversion Pay at Retirement; Attendance at Professional Meetings (expenses, etc.).

1975: A list of resolutions considered in 1975 is included. Other items of interest are: Administrative Guidelines for approval to attend meetings; Regional Center for Handicapped Children and employment of personnel for the Center; resolution supporting the Board's compliance with Title IX implementing the Education amendments of 1972 and as affected by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

Series 2, the minutes of the Board of Education of the Montgomery County Joint Vocational School District, cover the years 1969-85. There are no records for 1970, 1977, 1978, 1979 and 1980. Generally, the minutes cover such matters as having the new Joint Vocational School built (1969-71); the personnel, salaries and other financial matters; approval of out-of-district and out of state travel; election of Board Officers yearly, school calendar; approval of textbooks and continued enlargement of the vocational school program.

Items of special interest are listed by year.

1969: (There is an agenda for the January meeting but no minutes).

1969: Approval of Working Drawing Stage for Site preparation and On-Site Utilities Extensions for the new Vocational School, Van Buren and Firestone Architects; items dealing with costs, contracts and bids for the new school; screening of application of personnel; a resolution on the urgent need of income tax for the support of Public Education in Ohio; approval to apply for Federal and or State funds to assist with construction of the new building; development of all aspects of the new school; naming of the buildings and opening date.

1970: No Records.

1971: Expansion of number of members of the board; open house for school February, 1971; consideration of having a Joint Vocational School operate on a year-round basis; Adult Education Classes; building contractors; plans to increase enrollment, and buildings; Success Motivation Institute In-service Program; estimated enrollment 1971-72; there is an agenda for a July 22, 1971 meeting but no minutes; approval of student handbook; dedication of new facility; fund raising activities; school opened 9/71.

1972: Free for use of school facilities; purchase of bus; need for security coordinator; approval for the Architects Van Buren and Firestone to prepare sketches of an additional facility to be built at present site; Project of the Bureau of Vocational Rehabilitation; a BVR Fund was established; adoption of board policies; participation in the Milk Program of the State Department of Education; development of the new South building; Accident Insurance Policy for students and staff; student make-up work agreement.

1973: Liability insurance for Board members; purchase of a 1966 Cessna 150 airplane; changes in the Policies, Rules and Regulations of the Joint Vocational School District; plans for the new building; maternity leave policy; location of an airstrip.

1974: Payroll deductions for insurance; acceptance of a number of school districts to become part of the Joint Vocational School District; purchase of school bus; accident insurance for students and staff; policy for access of student records; changes in policies regarding sick leave; personal leave and severance pay; policy on appointment of representative from districts to serve on the General Vocational Advisory Committee; forms required by the Immigration Service pertaining to students attending school.

1975: Procedures for Suspensions and Expulsions; acceptance of the new South Building (3/75); agreements with the Teachers' Association; approval of Enrichment Courses; enlargement of plant facilities.

1976: Minutes cover January through June. There is an agenda for the July meeting but no minutes. Compensation to Board members for attendance at meetings $20; application to be a member of the North Central Association of Secondary Schools and Colleges, grievance procedure; dealing with drug abuse.

There are no records for 1977-78-79-80.

1981: There are minutes for meetings help in October, November and December meetings. No items of special interest are noted.

1982: Plans for the east Building reconstruction; policy regarding "Reconstruction in Force"; board goals.

1983: Compensation to board members for attendance at meetings $40; agreement with Teachers' Association; resolution for a Comprehensive Special Education Plan; establishment of an endowment fund in the name of Michael W. Frame; goals for board; adoption of a 3-year school calendar (1984-87 school year); policy for rotation of board officers.

1984: Participation in the Federally funded Chapter 2 (Block Grant) program; agreement with Teachers' Association; goals for board; increased emphasis on academic education with more time spent in classroom and less in lab; use of lottery funds.

1985: Minutes are for January through November. Participation in Ohio School Board Association Legal Assistance Fund; concern over programs that are under-enrolled; resolution opposing the proposed annexation of MCJVSD property to the City of Englewood; representative to the Private Industry Council (PIC); participation in Special Needs Grants for Handicapped and Disadvantaged Students; participation in the employee assistance program provided by Good Samaritan Hospital Life Management Institute.

Series 3 is a collection of the minutes of the Montgomery County Public Schools Office of the County Superintendent meetings. It includes the minutes for the years 1965, 1967, 1968 and 1969. There are no records for the year 1966. Dr. Crim became the Superintendent of the Montgomery Public Schools in the fall of 1965. Dr. O.R. Edgington preceded Dr. Crim.

Items of special interest are listed by year.

1965: Compliance with the Civil Rights Act of 1964, data processing; human relations in the curriculum; reading improvement; vocational education; updating the evaluation of teachers; Neighborhood Youth Corps; testing of school employees for T.B.; health regulations and requirements adopted by each school board; school bus issues; Titles I, II, III and educational TV.

1966: No records.

1967: Home teachers for children in the hospital or recuperating at home; joint vocational education planning; data processing and computer needs; all county park-school plan; costs of transporting students; handicapped children; tax valuation for the proposed joint vocation school district; student interest survey in vocational education; information related to the need for vocational education; minimum standards for Senior and Junior High Schools; educational TV; announcement that the Joint Vocation School Plan was approved by the State Board of Education (9/13/67 minutes).

1968: Drivers training; Juvenile Court matters; education of minority groups; employment of para-professionals; steps for improving human relations; computerized scheduling; Title IV- Aid to Handicapped Children; joint purchasing; workman's compensation; entrance age for children for first grade; Area Education Center; data processing; standards for elementary schools; work-study program; and work stoppage.

1969: (No minutes for Feb., agenda only). Cooperative purchasing; in-school suspension; county school psychologists; workman's compensation; drug abuse; Titles I, II, III, IV, V, VI; data processing; school buses and drivers; agreement with BVR; establishment of the Dayton Area Superintendents Association; expulsion of students; Standards for Issuance of Education Aides Permits; providing services and materials to non-public school pupils; sick leave and life insurance; T.B. tests; handicapped children; school attendance; Youth Resources Commission on juvenile delinquency and driver training for eligible handicapped youth.

Series 4 contains two statistical reports; 1969 - The Second Annual Statistical Report for Montgomery County Public Schools and 1971 - The Fourth Annual Statistical Report. Special studies carried out regarding school facilities future needs, and financial resources are included. The studies are dated 1952, 1958, 1959, 1960,1961, 1963 and 1964.

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  • Creation: 1952-1985


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Copyright restrictions may apply. Unpublished manuscripts are protected by copyright. Permission to publish, quote or reproduce must be secured from the repository and the copyright holder.

Biography of Kenneth J. Crim

Kenneth J. Crim was born in Harrison Township, Logan County, Ohio on April 1, 1918.

Dr. Crim graduated in 1942 from Manchester College, New Manchester, Indiana with a Bachelor of Arts degree. He received a Masters of Arts in 1949 and a Ph.D. in 1959, both from The Ohio State University in Columbus, Ohio.

He taught 3.5 years in Huntsville, Logan County, Ohio and 1.5 years in Buckland, Auglaize County, Ohio.

In December 1946, he became the Superintendent...
of Buckland Schools in Auglaize County and in January 1951, he became the Superintendent of De Graff Schools, Logan County.

In 1958 he assumed an Administrative position with the Montgomery County Schools.

In 1965 he became the Superintendent of the Montgomery County Schools.

In addition to being Superintendent of the Montgomery County Schools, he became the first Superintendent of the Montgomery County Joint Vocational School District when it was formed in 1967.

He held the dual superintendentship until his retirement in 1976.

From 1976-1990 Dr. Crim taught at the University of Dayton in the graduate school in the fields of school law and finance.

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Crim was a local teacher and school administrator who served as Superintendent of the Montgomery County Schools. His papers consist of meeting minutes for the Montgomery County School Board and the Montgomery Joint Vocational School Board, and various statistical reports and studies relating to local schools.

Statement of Arrangement

The collection is arranged into four series.

  1. Series 1: Minutes of the Montgomery County School Board meetings, 1960-1975
  2. Series 2: Minutes of the Montgomery Joint Vocational School Board meetings, 1969-1985
  3. Series 3: Minutes of the Superintendents' meetings (Montgomery County), 1965-1969
  4. Series 4: Statistical reports and studies related to the schools, 1952-1971

Acquisition Information

The papers of Kenneth J. Crim, Ph.D. were accessioned into the Wright State University Department of Special Collections and Archives on December 2, 1985. They were donated by Kenneth J. Crim.

Processing Information

Processed by Anita M. Howe, June 1991. Finding aid reformatted in July 2014.

Guide to the Kenneth J. Crim Papers (MS-211)
Finding aid prepared by Anita M. Howe, 1991
Description rules
Describing Archives: A Content Standard
Language of description
Script of description
Language of description note
Finding aid written in English

Revision Statements

  • 2014 July: Finding aid revised.

Repository Details

Part of the Special Collections Repository

Wright State University Libraries
Special Collections and Archives
3640 Colonel Glenn Hwy
Dayton OH 45435-0001 USA