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Ruth Herr Papers (MS-91) SELECTIONS in CORE Scholar

 Digital Collection
Identifier: MS-91 CORE Scholar


  • Creation: 1935 - 1936



SELECTIONS of Ruth Herr Papers (MS-91), including items from all folders except folder 4, have been digitized and are available online in CORE Scholar, Wright State University’s Campus Online Repository. Click on the "Digital Object" icon to view these items online now.

Ruth Herr was an art teacher in the Dayton and Oakwood public schools.The materials in this collection reflect her interest in women's rights and include a constitution and by-laws...
for the National Woman's Party, a speech by Mrs. Herr, several copies of the National Woman's Party newspaper Equal Rights, and clippings and miscellaneous material pertaining to the National Woman's Party.

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11 item(s)

Language of Materials
