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NCA: North Central Association of Colleges and Schools, 1990-1996

 File — Box: 10, Folder: 6

Scope and Contents

From the Collection:

This collection represents the primary archival materials of the University Libraries, and provides a comprehensive history of the library and its programs, facilities, initiatives, staff, and services in each stage of the library’s development. The files span the years of 1964 – 2023, and cover a wide range of subjects regarding the administration of a major academic research library, including the merger with the Fordham Health Sciences Library... of the Boonshoft School of Medicine in 2008. The collection contains 12 series and 13 subseries, including:

Series I, Agreements/ Contracts, includes agreements and contractual materials with architectural firms; cataloguing and processing services; gifts and foundations; network and consortium agreements with other libraries, organizations, and associations. Materials in this series date between 1964 and 2004.

Series II, Building Programs, includes historical files such as early committee records, blueprints, architectural drawings, building plans, photographs and other materials regarding the development, construction, renovation, and expansion of library facilities. Materials in this series date between about 1964 and 2001.

Series III, Committee Files, includes the minutes of the primary committees of library administration and its divisions, including ad hoc subcommittees on special initiatives of the University Libraries. Materials in this series date between 1966 and 2023. This series is divided into 4 subseries:
* Subseries III-A: Library Committee Files- Admin/General
* Subseries III-B: Library Committee Files- Cooperative On-Line Systems (COLS)
* Subseries III-C: Library Committee Files- Ohiolink
* Subseries III-D: Library Committee Files- Y2K Task Force

Series IV, Library Reports/ Proposals, includes reports of the University Libraries and its divisions, including Annual Reports for Dunbar Library, Fordham Health Sciences Library, and Lake Campus Library, 5-Year Progress Reports, Annual Plans, divisional reports/goals, and other reporting documentation regarding library services and resources. Materials in this series date between 1965 and 2018. The series is divided into 3 subseries:
* Subseries IV-A: Library Reports/ Proposals- Divisional
* Subseries IV-B: Library Reports/ Proposals- Departmental
* Subseries IV-C: Library Reports/ Proposals- Fordham/ Lake Libraries

Series V, Library Assessment/ Self-Study, includes documentation and results of evaluation processes carried out by and for the University Libraries, including unit/ program reviews, service assessments, user statistics, re-accreditation reports, and strategic planning documents. Materials in this series date between 1967 and 2014.

Series VI, Policies and Procedures, is an archive of current and former policies and procedures developed by the University Libraries regarding library services, the use of library materials, library facilities, and policies/procedures for library staff. Materials in this series date between 1967 and 2009.

Series VII, Subject Files- University Librarian, contain the correspondence files of the University Librarian on selected topics of special and/or historical interest. Materials in this series date between 1966 and 2019. This series is divided into 3 subseries, including:
* Subseries VII-A: Historical
* Subseries VII-B: Southwest Ohio Regional Depository (SWORD)
* Subseries VII-C: Library Student Assistant Awards

Series VIII, Publications, includes publications created by and for the University Libraries, including library handbooks and manuals, brochures of programs and services, and newsletters such as “Access” and “New @ Fordham”. Materials in this series date between 1968 and 2017.

Series IX, Events, includes brochures, programs, invitations, and other promotional materials regarding special events held in the University Libraries. Materials in this series date between 1971 and 2013.

Series X, Photographs, includes promotional photographs, photographs of special events and special visitors/guests to the University Libraries, as well as photographs of library staff and staff events. Materials in this series date between 1980 and 2015.

Series XI, Friends of the Library, includes administrative/procedural files of the Friends of the Library, including by-laws and files of the executive committee, as well as event files of special events hosted by the Friends of the Library. Materials in this series date between 1977 and 2022. This series in divided into 3 subseries, including:
* Subseries XI-A: Administrative
* Subseries XI-B: Publicity and Publications
* Subseries XI-C: Events- Internal/External

Series XII, Audiovisual, includes promotional and event videos, such as year in review slideshows, online tours, fun informational videos (many of which were created by the Student Technology Assistance Center staff), and footage and slideshows from special events such as the library's 40th birthday party, Blast from the Past, and farewell/retirement celebrations. Materials in this series date between 2010 and 2015. This series is divided into 5 subseries, including:
* Subseries XII-A: Year in Review Videos
* Subseries XII-B: Promotional Videos
* Subseries XII-C: Special Events
* Subseries XII-D: Educational Program Videos
* Subseries XII-E: Farewell Videos

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  • Creation: 1990-1996


Conditions Governing Access

There are no restrictions on accessing most material in this collection. However, some materials have access restrictions due to format:

Audio/visual materials: Due to preservation concerns, original audio and video materials cannot be played in the reading room. Patrons may have access to reference copies. Items without reference copies can be digitized at the request of a patron for the cost of creating a digital copy. Please provide us at least...
two weeks advance notice if you would like to request an audio or video reference copy. Call 937-775-2092 or e-mail us at

Electronic records: Access to electronic files in this collection, indicated by an e-number (e.g., ua14_e0001), may be limited until they are fully processed. Requests for unprocessed electronic records can be submitted for consideration, with at least two weeks advance notice. Call 937-775-2092 or e-mail us at Archives staff reserve the right to restrict access to files with privacy or confidentiality concerns or to deny requests in which the review period is insufficient, given the volume of records requested and the desired access date. Access to original electronic media (original CD, floppy disk, etc.) is restricted.

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From the Collection: 19 linear feet

From the Collection: 17.814 Gigabytes

Language of Materials

From the Collection: English

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Repository Details

Part of the University Archives Repository

Wright State University Libraries
Special Collections and Archives
3640 Colonel Glenn Hwy
Dayton OH 45435-0001 USA