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Kiwanis Club of Xenia, Ohio, Records (MS-538)

Identifier: MS-538

Scope and Contents

The Kiwanis Club of Xenia, Ohio, Records document the history of the club’s activities and memberships throughout its entire existence. It includes records of all the types that one would expect from such an organization, including meeting minutes, financial records, annual and monthly reports, membership lists, newsletters, photographs, and other materials. The researcher should be encouraged to note that information is often duplicated in multiple... record series, so that if a particular piece of information, for a given date/time period, is missing in the most obvious series, it may still be found in another series. For example, researchers interested in the names of the members will find this most readily in the Membership series; however, lists also can be found in the Bulletins series, as well as the dues statements of the Financial series.

Series I: General History, includes written histories, files concerning anniversary celebrations (1942-2012), constitutions and by-laws (1965-2002), resolutions, standing rules, and statements of continued existence. The anniversary files are particularly useful, as the event programs often include a written history, membership roster, officer lists (past and present), legion of honor member list (long-time members), and songs. (Note that photographs from anniversary celebrations are not in this series but in Series X: Photographs.) Materials in the General History series date from 1942 to 2012.

Series II: Meeting Minutes, consists of the official minutes of the club’s meetings, which were usually held monthly, as well as attachments that were filed with the minutes. Attachments may include committee or treasurer reports. Materials in this series date from 1922 to 2015, although there are many gaps prior to 1949.

Series III: Membership, includes lists of the club’s leaders, as well as general membership. Leadership files include the installation of officers, lists of past officers, lists of committee chairs and committee members, as well as officer and committee chair duties. Files pertaining to the general membership include membership rosters (1958-2015), attendance records, membership surveys, applications for membership, and membership change forms. The actual materials in this series date from 1933 to 2016; however, the information on some of the officer lists does go back to the founding (1922).

Series IV: Reports, includes a bound volume of annual and monthly reports (1928-1936), as well as separate annual reports (1936-2013), official monthly reports (1947-2014), committee monthly reports (1943-2006), and election reports (1946-2012). There are some coverage gaps throughout this series, noted more clearly on the individual folders. Annual Reports, often called “Achievement Reports” prior to 1970, are reports to Kiwanis International of the club’s activities in a given year, typically including a standardized form outlining membership, attendance, activities, fundraisers, and service projects, and sometimes including a freeform narrative attached. Official Monthly Reports also use a standardized form from Kiwanis International, and include such details as membership numbers, as well as additions, deletions, or changes in status; meeting dates, speakers, and topics; and general summaries of service and activities. Committee Monthly Reports detail activities of a particular committee in a given month, including number of meetings, number in attendance, actual activities, and sometimes proposed activities. Election Report files contain Annual Reports of Club Election, which provide contact information for the club’s newly elected officers, as well as the usual meeting day and location for the year; also included in these same files (arranged by date) are Certificates of Election of Delegates and Alternates, which name the club’s representatives to the Annual Convention, Ohio District of Kiwanis International. Materials in the Reports series date from 1928 to 2014.

Series V: Correspondence, includes general correspondence, letters of gratitude, and correspondence concerning membership status. Correspondence specifically concerning financial matters is not in this series but instead is filed in Series VI: Financial Records. Materials in the Correspondence series date from 1928 to 2016.

Series VI: Financial Records, includes official treasurer’s reports, budgets, financial correspondence, and Dues Statements to Kiwanis International. It is important to note that treasurer or financial reports that were originally filed with the meeting minutes, which was common in earlier years (prior to 1970s), can be found in the attachments of those minutes (see Series II: Meeting Minutes). The Dues Statements detail the dues paid to Kiwanis International and the Ohio District for a given quarter or half-year, and these usually also include attached membership lists.

Series VII: Bulletins, contains weekly newsletters sent to club members. In earlier years, these were simply called “bulletins,” but in 1942 the name The Xenia Kiwanian was adopted. These bulletins, or newsletters, contain information about upcoming and recently past meetings, speakers, and topics; lists of officers, committees, and membership; member news and announcements; and sometimes financial reports. This is the largest series in the collection, and the bulletins date from 1930 to 2010.

Series VIII: Programming, includes files on various activities of the club. Individual programs with several relevant items, such as the Ox Roast, Key Club, and Well Baby Clinics, have their own labeled folders, arranged alphabetically. Thereafter, programming materials are filed together by decade. The contents mainly include flyers, announcements, tickets, and printed programs. Of particular note in this series is a file concerning the club’s efforts to provide relief to their neighbors following the devastating April 3, 1974, Xenia tornado. Materials in this series date from 1942 to 2016.

Series IX: News Clippings, contains news articles (preservation photocopies of the original newsprint) concerning club activities or club members. These are grouped by decade and arranged chronologically, with undated articles in the last file of the series. Materials in this series date from 1925 to 2016.

Series X: Photographs, contains general photographs and negatives, as well as from specific events, such as anniversaries. Many photographs are unidentified and undated, though approximate dates have been identified. Negatives in this series include large format (4”x5”), 120mm, 35mm, and 16mm. Files are in roughly chronological order. Materials in this series date from 1947 to about 2010.

Series XI: Ohio District, contains materials relating mainly to Ohio District 4, Kiwanis International, to which the Xenia club belongs. In earlier years, it was called “Division 4,” and at least as early as the 1930s, Xenia was part of Division 2 (not 4). Materials in this series primarily include constitutions, meeting minutes, newsletters, and directories for Ohio District 4. Of particular note are two files concerning Ohio Kiwanis activities in 1936, a Division 2 meeting held in Greenville in May, and the Ohio District annual convention held in Dayton in October. Materials in the Ohio District series date from 1936 to 2016, though gaps in many time periods are significant.

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  • Creation: 1922 - 2016


Conditions Governing Access

There are no restrictions on accessing material in this collection.

Conditions Governing Use

Unauthorized use of the Kiwanis logo is prohibited. Copyright restrictions may apply. Unpublished manuscripts are protected by copyright. Permission to publish, quote, or reproduce must be secured from the repository and the copyright holder.

Biographical / Historical

The following history is reprinted, with minor edits, from the 75th Anniversary program (1997):

The Kiwanis Club of Xenia was sponsored by the Dayton Club. In reaching the required 50 members for the chartering on March 31, 1922, Xenia became Kiwanis Club #732 in Kiwanis International. The official charter presentation was held on May 10, 1922, with 57 charter members. Between 1922 and 2002, more than 600 men and women of character of the Xenia area...
have belonged to this service organization. The last charter member died in 1977. At least one member has celebrated 60+ years of membership in Xenia Kiwanis. The club has had brothers, fathers and sons, husbands and wives, grandfathers and grandsons, and even one three generation family membership.

The club annually budgets in excess of $8,000 for community projects and civic donations. Major sources of revenue have been: the holiday fruit sale; the annual community ox-roast in Shawnee Park, recently in conjunction with the Cincinnati Pops Concert in July; and the sale of commemorative coverlets for Xenia, the OVC Home, and the Ohio District Project. Additionally, gumball machines are located throughout the community.

Support of youth activities has always been high in club priorities. The maintenance of the Well Baby Clinic (now a function of the Health District) and the Shawnee Park Fund (now handled by the city) were major projects for almost fifty years. Special recognition has been given to academic and athletic achievement over the years with banquets f or the senior National Honor Society students, the football team, the elementary basketball teams, plus support for the Science Camp, the YMCA, Career Night, Bicycle Safety City, Special Olympics, Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts. The club sponsors and supports youth groups in the K-family at the high school level (Key and Athena Clubs), junior high (Builder's Clubs) and college level (Circle K). Grant-in-aid help is given, HOBY (Hugh O'Brien Youth) Scholarships granted, and yearly scholarships are given in memory of former principal and long-time Kiwanian Carl H. Benner, and local respected minister Kenneth L. Beams. A major project started about 1997 was the International IDD project (Iodine Deficiency Disorder) to eliminate the world’s leading preventable cause for intellectual disability.

Throughout the years, the club has directed efforts toward drug education, voter registration, recognized farmer achievements, helped senior citizens, promoted law enforcement, provided community church directories, rung the bell for the Salvation Army, and provided child trauma boards for the local fire department. They planted trees, cleaned the creek and the highway leading into the city, laid bricks, put together playground equipment, and provided early support for the outdoor drama Blue Jacket (the dream of one of the members), even laying sod on opening day one year.

Their sponsored youth groups closely parallel Kiwanis in structure and the efforts to provide meaningful service in the community. At least nine Xenia Kiwanians have served the Ohio District in the club's history with at least three attaining the highest office of Governor. In 1997, the ultimate honor for any individual and organization occurred with the installation of a member of the club, Walter G. Sellers, Sr., as International President, serving an international organization of over 8,590 clubs with a membership of 320,300 Kiwanians world-wide.

The Kiwanis Club of Xenia has been an active service club, faithfully serving its community.

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7.35 linear feet

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The Kiwanis Club of Xenia is a service club founded in Xenia, Ohio, in 1922. The academics, athletics, and health of youth are central to many of its efforts and activities. The collection includes narrative histories, meeting minutes, membership rosters, annual and monthly reports, correspondence, financial records, bulletins (newsletters), news clippings, and photographs.


The collection is arranged in 11 series:

  1. Series I: General History, 1942-2012
  2. Series II: Meeting Minutes, 1922-2015
  3. Series III: Membership, 1933-2016
  4. Series IV: Reports, 1928-2014
  5. Series V: Correspondence, 1928-2016
  6. Series VI: Financial Records, 1941-2015
  7. Series VII: Bulletins, 1930-2010
  8. Series VIII: Programming, 1942-2016
  9. Series IX: News Clippings, 1925-2016
  10. Series X: Photographs, 1947-2010
  11. Series XI: Ohio District, 1936-2016

Immediate Source of Acquisition

The collection was donated to Wright State University Libraries’ Special Collections and Archives by John Balmer, on behalf of the club, in August 2016.


Additional materials are anticipated.

Separated Materials

Materials, such as newsletters, created by other Miami Valley area Kiwanis clubs (most notably Brookville, Dayton, Oakwood, and Springfield) have been separated into their own small collections.

Processing Information

All newsprint in Series IX has been preservation photocopied; however, original newsprint may still occasionally appear elsewhere in the collection. Original metal fasteners such as staples and paperclips may still remain throughout.

Guide to the Kiwanis Club of Xenia, Ohio, Records (MS-538)
Lisa Rickey
2021 Sept 2
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Repository Details

Part of the Special Collections Repository

Wright State University Libraries
Special Collections and Archives
3640 Colonel Glenn Hwy
Dayton OH 45435-0001 USA