C. Philip Skardon Papers
Scope and Contents
The materials in this collection related to Mr. Skardon’s service with three Dayton organizations: The Metropolitan Churches United, The Dayton-Montgomery County Bicentennial Commission, and The Dayton Council on World Affairs. Each of these organizations has its own series in the collection’s organization:
Series I: Metropolitan Churches United (MCU)
In 1970, the Dayton Church Federation was reorganized to form the Metropolitan Churches United. Mr.... Skardon, representing the Dayton Area Episcopal Council, was selected provisional chairman of the founding board of MCU and served in that capacity from December 1970 to February 1971. His membership on the Board of Directors continued through at least 1972, which is the extent of the minutes in these records.
Mr. Skardon, in his personal remarks, notes that Metropolitan Churches United made stronger efforts to include the Catholic community in their organizational structure than had its predecessor, thus strengthening the organization.
MCU activities during the years of Mr. Skardon's services centered on the social issues--"Taking a Stand for Mankind" by "assist(ing) in mobilizing Church and community resources, relating to the people where the action is, serving as an agent of reconciliation, and being a servant to all the people." Further information on the purposes and activities of MCU are given in the organizational brochure in Box 1, File 1.
The papers which Mr. Skardon collected regarding social concerns of the organization are classified as "Issues and Concerns" (Box 1, Files 5-8). They include Dayton School Desegregation (including the text of a speech delivered by Dr. Charles A. Glatt at the Seminar on the Constitutional Rights of Children for an Equal Educational Opportunity, sponsored by MCU, July 10, 1975), National Farm Workers, the War on Poverty, and the Vietnam War.
Series II: Dayton-Montgomery County Bicentennial Commission (DMCBC)
The Dayton-Montgomery County Bicentennial Commission was appointed by the Board of County Commissioners and the Dayton City Commission and began functioning in May 1974. In August 1974, Dayton-Montgomery County was designated an official Bicentennial Community by the American Revolutionary Bicentennial Administration and the Commission was presented with the official flag and certificate in ceremonies held in the Courthouse Plaza August 21, 1974.
The DMCBC decided to organize the Bicentennial events for the community around the major themes suggested by President Ford: Heritage '76, Festival USA, and Horizons '76. C. Philip Skardon was appointed Chairman of the Festival USA Committee, charges with formulating and coordinating the community activities to commemorate the Bicentennial--specifically the 4th of July parade, an Arts Festival, a Sports Olympiad, the Courthouse Plaza activities, the Hydroglobe, etc.
The collection consists primarily of minutes of the various Bicentennial committees and correspondence concerning the development of activities. An organizational flow chart showing staff and projected activities is included in Box 1, File 12. Box 1, file 15 contains an official calendar of events covering the period September 1975-October 1976.
The records complement the collection of the Bicentennial Commission, MS-55, also housed in the Wright State University Archives.
Series III: Dayton Council of World Affairs (DCWA)
The Dayton Council on World Affairs was founded in 1947, and Mr. Skardon remarks in his personal comments (Box 1 File 0), the organization was very active during its early years due to the keen interest in world affairs generated in the wake of World War II. Researchers should also see the donated papers of the Dayton Council on World Affairs (MS-46), also available at Wright State University Libraries, Special Collections & Archives. Mr. Skardon's papers act as an extension of the DCWA collection, which in most areas extends only to 1972.
Mr. Skardon's involvement with DCWA began as a Council volunteer in the mid-1960's. He was called upon to speak frequently, principally at churches and area high schools. In 1970, he assumed responsibility for putting together the Council's weekly television series (see Box 2, File 4). In 1972, he became Program Chairman and was instrumental in establishing a number of week-long programs featuring different cultures, beginning with "Japan Week' in 1972. These programs slowly evolved into the World A'Fair, the major annual activity sponsored by the DCWA at the Dayton Convention Center.
Mr. Skardon served as President of the Dayton Council on World Affairs from June 1973 to June 1975. He took particular interest in organizing two international business sessions, the "Key Issues in Japanese Business" conference held in May 1974 and the "Annual Business and Economic Relations Conference" with special emphasis on U.S.-Middle East relations held in April 1975. He was also responsible for major planning of the 1975 World A'Fair. Mr. Skardon states in his personal comments that his assignment with the Bicentennial Commission was based on the success of this project for the Council.
Series III divides naturally into two Subseries:
• Subseries 1: Administrative Records and Publications
• Subseries 2: Programs and Activities
The first Subseries contains minutes of the Board of Directors meetings from 1972-1975 (which complement the DCWA Collection #46), extensive personal correspondence concerning the development of the various programs and administrative matters spanning a period from 1959-1975, limited financial records (largely contribution card), and materials associated with the various DCWA committees and the Junior Council World Affairs.
The programs and activities Subseries contains the greatest wealth of material in the entire collection. Mr. Skardon saved all of his records and materials in connection with the programs he was responsible for organizing. Of particular interest are the materials on "Japan Week" (Box 3, Files 9-17), and the "key Issues in Japanese Business" conference (Box 4, Files 2-8).
The 1975 Annual Business and Economic Relations Conference (Box 4, File 9) was held at Wright State University, and included in these materials is the text of the welcoming speech delivered by President Kegerreis. The planning of the World A'Fair in 1975 was complicated by discontent voiced by the national groups representing China, Germany, Hungry, Latvia, Peru, and Poland, who withdrew from participating in the Festival. Differences were evidently eventually reconciled, but the entire story cannot be gleaned from these records. Also included in the materials of the World A'Fair (Box 4, File 10) is the Charter of the United Ethnic Group and various financial records, as well as correspondence and the Codified Guidelines for the World A'Fair in 1976.
- Creation: 1959-1996
- Creation: Majority of material found within 1970-1976
- Skardon, C. Philip, 1926-2010 (Person)
Conditions Governing Access
There are no restrictions on accessing material in this collection.
Conditions Governing Use
No restrictions have been placed on literary or publishing rights. Single photocopies of unpublished writings may be made for purposes of scholarly research. Copyright restrictions may apply. Unpublished manuscripts are protected by copyright. Permission to publish, quote, or reproduce must be secured from the repository and the copyright holder.
Biographical / Historical
C. Philip Skardon (1926-2010) was a prominent Dayton businessman with a keen interest in civic and cultural affairs. He owned and operated a public relations firm specializing in employee communications. He was the former chairman of the Festival USA Committee of the Dayton-Montgomery County Bicentennial Commission of 1976 and was active for a number of years in the Dayton Council on World Affairs.
2 linear feet
Language of Materials
Skardon was a prominent Dayton businessman with an interest in civic and cultural affairs. His papers relate to his service in three organizations: the Metropolitan Church, the Dayton-Montgomery County Bicentennial Committee, and the Dayton Council on World Affairs. Included are minutes, correspondence, newsletters, and printed materials.
The collection divides naturally into three series:
Series I: Metropolitan Churches United (0.25 linear feet)
Series II: Dayton-Montgomery County Bicentennial Commission (0.25 linear feet)
Series III: Dayton Council on World Affairs (2 linear feet)
Subseries 1: Administrative Records and Publications
Subseries 2: Programs and Activities
Mr. Skardon's personal remarks on the creation of these papers are in the first file of Box 1 (Box 1 File 1A)
Immediate Source of Acquisition
The collection was donated personally by Mr. Skardon to Wright State University Libraries, Special Collections & Archives, on January 4, 1977. Mr. Skardon donated additional materials in 2006.
Processing Information
Lois E. Walker, June 1979; additions by Patricia A. McEldowney, June 2012
- Skardon, C. Philip, 1926-2010 -- Manuscripts (Person)
- Dayton Council on World Affairs (Organization)
- Dayton-Montgomery County Bicentennial Commission (Organization)
- Title
- Guide to the C. Philip Skardon Papers (MS-60)
- Status
- Completed
- Author
- Lisa Rickey
- Date
- July 13, 2016
- Description rules
- Describing Archives: A Content Standard
- Language of description
- English
- Script of description
- Latin
Revision Statements
- Revision statement last updated July 13, 2016.: Finding aid revised to DACS by Lisa Rickey, June 2016.
Repository Details
Part of the Special Collections Repository
Wright State University Libraries
Special Collections and Archives
3640 Colonel Glenn Hwy
Dayton OH 45435-0001 USA