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Dayton: A Peace Process Collection

Identifier: MS-411

Scope and Content

The collection is arranged into ten series. It consists of papers generated by the Miami Valley Marketing Group, Inc. in its search for Dayton area companies looking for business opportunities in Eastern Europe. Some of the papers contain background information on the American companies and the areas in Europe where help is needed. The collection also contains meeting minutes and planning sessions for the Dayton Peace Accords Project as well as government... papers from the United States State Department and other federal agencies. The collection also contains travel brochures for Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia.

Series I, Dayton Peace Accords Project, contains documentation for the Dayton Peace Accords Project from 1996 through 2001. This documentation consists of meeting minutes, correspondence, e-mails, mailing lists, outlines of possible symposium topics, and event plans. There are also several invitations to formal events sponsored by the Dayton Peace Accords Project including invitations to the presentation of the first Dayton Peace Prize and the presentation of an Honorary Doctorate of Humane Letters to Richard Holbrooke by the University of Dayton.

Series II, United States Government (Federal), contains documents that pertain to and were generated by the United States federal government. One such document is a briefing book prepared for Secretary of Commerce Kantor for his trip to Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Series III, State of Ohio, contains documents pertaining to or generated by the State of Ohio.

Series IV, Dayton Area Businesses, contains documentation created by Miami Valley Marketing Group, Inc. during its search for Dayton Area businesses looking for business contacts in Eastern Europe. The information is broken into categories such as security, construction, banking and development. The documentation does not contain business contracts. It is mostly general information meant to guide businesses to possible work in a new region.

Series V, Croatia, contains information about the country of Croatia. The information includes government contacts, embassy contacts, local businesses, and local importers to help American businesses get their goods into the country. Some of the travel brochures are in Croatian.

Series VI, Bosnia and Herzegovina, contains information about the country of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The information includes government contacts, embassy contacts, local businesses, and local importers to help American businesses get their goods into the country. There is a briefing book for Mayor Mike Turner's trip to Bosnia in this series. Mayor Turner traveled to Bosnia at the same time Secretary Kantor did, but his briefing book relates more to Dayton businesses and is specific to the Bosnia potion of the trip. Some of the travel brochures are in Bosnian.

Series VII, Other European Countries, contains information about other European countries including the Balkan States. The information includes government contacts, embassy contacts, local businesses, and local importers to help American businesses get their goods into each of the countries.

Series VIII, International Banks, contains information provided by international banks such as the World Bank and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. This includes general information about the banks, methods of obtaining loans from these banks, and financial information about the various Eastern European countries and the United States.

Series IX, News Articles, contains newspaper articles about Bosnia, Croatia, the Dayton Peace Accords, The Dayton Peace Accords Project, Senator Joseph Biden's Speech at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, the progress of the Dayton Peace Project, and coverage of the anniversary events. The articles and editorials are mostly from the Dayton Daily news but some are from other local papers including local school papers.

Series X, Photographs, contains photographs of several individuals at different events in 2000 and 2001. One of the events is the awarding of an Honorary Doctorate on Humane Letters to Richard Holbrook by the University of Dayton

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  • Creation: 1994-2001


Restrictions on Access

There are no restrictions on accessing material in this collection

Restrictions on Use

Copyright restrictions may apply. Unpublished manuscripts are protected by copyright. Permission to publish, quote or reproduce must be secured from the repository and the copyright holder.

History of Dayton: A Peace Process

Dayton: A Peace Process began as a means of connecting Dayton, OH, area businesses with work that needed to be done to reconstruct the war zone in the former Yugoslavia. Chairman Bruce Hitchner worked with Thomas S. Norwalk of the Miami Valley Marketing Group, Inc. to connect local businesses with counterparts in Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Each year on November 21, the anniversary of the signing of the Dayton Peace Accords, the Dayton Peace...
Accords Project would gather for several days of symposiums for local and international businesses and a celebratory dinner. As the fifth anniversary of the Peace Accords approached in 2000, the decision was made to honor one individual each year who had worked in order to broker peace. On November 21, 2000, the first Dayton Peace Prize was awarded to President Bill Clinton for his work to bring an end to the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

In 2006 the Dayton Peace Prize became the Dayton Literary Peace Prize and is awarded to writers whose work promotes peace.

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7.08 linear feet

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The Dayton Peace Process was an offshoot of the Dayton Peace Accords that brought an end to the fighting in the former Yugoslavia. The Peace Process worked to bring Miami Valley businesses in contact with clients in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia and several other eastern European countries. Eventually Dayton: A Peace Process became the Dayton Literary Peace Prize. The first Peace Prize was awarded to President Bill Clinton.

Statement of Arrangement

This collection is arranged into ten series.

  1. Series I: Dayton Peace Accords Project
  2. Series II: United States Government (Federal)
  3. Series III: State of Ohio
  4. Series IV: Dayton Area Businesses
  5. Series V: Croatia
  6. Series VI: Bosnia and Herzegovina
  7. Series VII: Other European Countries
  8. Series VIII: International Banks
  9. Series IX: News Articles
  10. Series X: Photographs

Technical Requirements

Some materials on 3.5" computer disks.

Acquisition Information

The collection was donated by Bill Vaughn, the executive director of The Dayton Council on World Affairs, and was accessioned in 2008.

Guide to the Dayton: A Peace Process Collection
Finding aid prepared by Jeannine Jacobs
Description rules
Describing Archives: A Content Standard
Language of description
Script of description
Code for undetermined script
Language of description note
Finding aid written in English

Repository Details

Part of the Special Collections Repository

Wright State University Libraries
Special Collections and Archives
3640 Colonel Glenn Hwy
Dayton OH 45435-0001 USA