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J. Robert Groff Papers

Identifier: MS-253

Scope and Content

Groff was the president and general manager of the James Leffel Company in Springfield, Ohio. Papers in this collection reflect his civic and volunteer involvements and include minutes, reports, publications, and correspondence from such organizations as the Springfield Community Chest, the Rotary Club, the Springfield and Clark County War Chest, the War Manpower Board, and the United Appeals Fund.

Series 1 consists of correspondence between J. Robert...
Groff and outside organizations. Correspondence contains information relating to the Springfield Savings Bank, the Ohio Expenditures Council, the Springfield Rotary Club, the Springfield War Chest, and the Critical Area. Span dates are 1938-1949.

Series 2 contains records concerning the operation of the Springfield Rotary Club. Included in this series are meeting minutes, member attendance records, budget reports, Rotary Club correspondence, and program notes. The documents span the years 1944-1945.

Series 3 contains meeting minutes, committee head rosters, involved industries, industry survey notes, critical area booklet, some critical area publications, agenda notes, and membership bulletins. Dates 1943.

Series 4 consists of information pertaining to the Ohio Expenditures Council. Documents included are annual reports, a roster of Clark County members, an outline for public welfare buildings, and a tax survey of Clark County for years 1938-1942. Series dates 1938-1949.

Series 5 consists of the Springfield War Chest Community Fund Constitution, a list of trustees, by-laws, budget reports, member bulletins, a brief statement of purpose, and meeting minutes. Also has correspondence between War Chest and other organizations. Span dates are 1942-1945.

Series 6 contains pledge vouchers, gift receipts, meeting minutes, a membership roster, a 25 year report on the Springfield Community Chest, and a Sept. 1949 issue of "The Springfielder". Dates 1949.

Series 7 contains officer and trustee roster, trustee reports, treasures report, budget reports, loan receipts, farm loan lienholder sheets, and bank statement of purpose. Dates 19421945.

Series 8 contains meeting notes, correspondence, War Manpower rules and regulations, speech notes, selective service guidelines and criteria, a War Manpower Minority Committee newsletter, and a war manpower labor statistics worksheet. Dates 1945.

Series 9 contains commerce publications, Springfield business statistics, meeting agendas and minutes, correspondence, financial statements, committee attendance records, and various committee officer reports. Span dates are 1938-1944.

Series 10 contains meeting minutes, annual reports and agendas, publications, budget reports, correspondence, attendance records, and a copy of the Appeals Fund construction and by-laws. Span dates are 1954-1955.

Series 11 contains a copy of the "Springfield News" celebrating the sesquicentennial of Springfield, OH. Also has two pictures of J. Robert Groff and associates.

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  • Creation: 1938-1954


Restrictions on Access

There are no restrictions on accessing materials in this collection.

Restrictions on Use

Copyright restrictions may apply. Unpublished manuscripts are protected by copyright. Permission to publish, quote or reproduce must be secured from the repository and the copyright holder.

Biography of J. Robert Groff

J. Robert Groff, the former president and general manager of the James Leffel & Co., a multi-million dollar, international manufacturer of hydraulic turbines, was born in Lancaster, Pennsylvania in 1896. After graduation from Penn State University and military service in WWI, he came to Springfield, Ohio, where he began working as a hydraulic engineer. He was later named sales manager, director, and executive secretary before assuming the office... of president and general manager in 1938.

His life was defines by his credo of "productive work," as is seen by his non-work-related activities. He had been chairman of the board of The Springfield Bank, was a member of the board of trustees of the Ohio Public Expenditure Council, had been a director of the Ohio Edison Co., and had served on the board of trustees of Wittenberg University.

Groff was also named to the United Way's volunteer Hall of Fame after 38 years of service, and had been a member of the board of trustees and president of the Springfield Foundation. He was also active in the Greater Springfield and Clark County Association, the Clark County Historical Society, and the Springfield Rotary Club. In addition to his United Way honor, he was also presented the annual Civic Award of the Monsignor Buckley General Assembly (Fourth Degree Knights of Columbus), the Community Service Award from the VFW of the United States, was presented the Community Leadership Award from Wittenberg University.

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2 linear feet

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Groff was the president and general manager of the James Leffel Company in Springfield, Ohio. Papers in this collection reflect his civic and volunteer involvements and include minutes, reports, publications, and correspondence from such organizations as the Springfield Community Chest, the Rotary Club, the Springfield and Clark County War Chest, the War Manpower Board, and the United Appeals Fund.

Statement of Arrangement

The collection is arranged into eleven series.

  1. Series 1: Correspondence
  2. Series 2: Rotary Club
  3. Series 3: Critical Area
  4. Series 4: Ohio Public Expenditures Council
  5. Series 5: Springfield & Clark County War Chest
  6. Series 6: Springfield Community Chest
  7. Series 7: Springfield Savings Bank
  8. Series 8: War Manpower
  9. Series 9: Springfield Chamber of Commerce
  10. Series 10: United Appeals Fund
  11. Series 11: Miscellaneous

Acquisition Information

The papers of J. Robert Groff were accessioned into the Department of Archives and Special Collection in June 1994.

Related Material

MS-150 James Leffel and Company Records. Finding aid available at .

Guide to the J. Robert Groff Papers (MS-253)
Finding aid prepared by Jason Rudesill, 1994
Description rules
Describing Archives: A Content Standard
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Repository Details

Part of the Special Collections Repository

Wright State University Libraries
Special Collections and Archives
3640 Colonel Glenn Hwy
Dayton OH 45435-0001 USA