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Eagle Clothing House Records (SC-362)

Identifier: SC-362

Content Description

This collection contains the daily accounting ledger for Eagle Clothing House. The first page of the ledger is Thursday, September 4, 1890, and the last page is Monday, September 19, 1892. The ledger covers every day of store operation and records the overall daily expenses and profits. Along with this, the ledger details customer names, items purchased, accounts receivable, bills receivable, and cash sales.


  • Creation: 1890 - 1892


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There are no restrictions on accessing material in this collection.

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Copyright restrictions may apply. Unpublished manuscripts are protected by copyright. Permission to publish, quote, or reproduce must be secured from the repository and the copyright holder.

Biographical / Historical

Eagle Clothing House was established in 1877 by Samuel A. Collins (1839-1918). Davis W. Sinks (1838-1914) purchased the store in 1884 with his company D. W. Sinks & Son. Sinks was a native of Montgomery county but moved to Miami county in 1866. Along with owning the clothing store, Sinks served as the county treasurer for two terms and was on the water works board.

Eagle Clothing House was comprised of two floors and was located on a business block...
in Troy, Ohio. The store sold men’s clothing and boy’s clothing, as well as hats, caps, belts, wallets, and other such accessories.

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1 linear feet (1 flat box containing 1 volume)

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This collection contains the daily accounting ledger for Eagle Clothing House, located in Troy, Ohio. The first recorded date is Thursday, September 4, 1890, and the last date is Monday, September 19, 1892.


This collection contains a single ledger located in one flat box. The ledger itself is chronological, starting in 1890 and ending in 1892.

Related Materials

See the Waymire Family Papers (MS-180) collection for further information on the Sinks family. John Wildy Waymire (1873-1950) was from Montgomery County, Ohio. In the late 1920s, Mr. Waymire began genealogical research and this collection contains much of his work. Sub-series II of Series I within this collection mentions the Sinks family.

Guide to the Eagle Clothing House Records (SC-362)
Tyler Elam
2022 October 21
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Repository Details

Part of the Special Collections Repository

Wright State University Libraries
Special Collections and Archives
3640 Colonel Glenn Hwy
Dayton OH 45435-0001 USA