GLRC "2014 news articles" (2 of 2), 2014
Scope and Contents
Series I, Administrative, contains materials including meeting minutes, agendas, and strategic plans generated by the Grand Lake Restoration Commission. This also includes general correspondence, primarily printed emails, regarding the Grand Lake Restoration Commission’s meetings and interactions. Material dates from 2009-2017.
Series II, Reports and Research, features assorted reports and background information pertaining to Grand Lake, generally... documenting the lake’s status. These include technical reports created by government organizations, as well as reports by Grand Lake Restoration Commission. Several maps of Grand Lake are also included. Note that reports from specific projects are housed in Series III. (Please note that, in the course of covering Grand Lake’s ecological health, the collection does at times contain images of injured or deceased wildlife, which some may find upsetting.) Material dates from 1960-2016.
Series III, Projects, contains material documenting the planning and implementation of projects designed to address the issues surrounding Grand Lake’s environmental health. These largely include grants, research, and equipment acquisition done in collaboration with entities including Wal-Mart, Battelle, Ball State University, Wright State University, and local businesses. Prominent in the series are grant applications, correspondence, and notes discussing the efficacy of various solutions. The series included two three-ring binders used by the organization, and the original orders of these two sets of files have been maintained. One was a binder concerning Battelle. The other binder was labeled “Organizational Binder,” and it contained “working” files reflecting multiple aspects of the Grand Lake Restoration Commission’s projects. Material in Series III dates from circa 2007-2017.
Series IV, News clippings, consists of news articles, opinion pieces, and other outside observations reporting on action about Grand Lake, the Grand Lake Restoration Commission, and related projects, entities, and themes. These were originally in three ring binders identified as “Media Binders.” Additional clippings include material about Grand Lake’s environmental health as part of a larger, statewide concern. Material dates from circa 2010-2015.
Series V, Photographs, contains images of Grand Lake and its surroundings. These include pages from a magnetic photo album documenting construction of the Grand Lake Saint Marys Spillway in 1996-1997. It also features color photocopies (modern reproductions) of historical postcards and images of Grand Lake, showing the lake and region’s appearance and usage in the early to mid-twentieth century. Material dates from circa 1996-2015.
Series VI, Publicity and Outreach, contains materials used to promote Grand Lake Restoration Commission, including brochures and donation mailings. Material dates from circa 2010-2017.
- Creation: 2014
- From the Collection: Grand Lake Restoration Commission (Organization)
Conditions Governing Access
There are no restrictions on accessing the majority of the materials in this collection. However, oversized materials in this collection are stored off site. Please contact us at least two days in advance if you would like to research this collection. Also, access to electronic files in this collection, indicated by an e-number (e.g., ms635_e0001), is restricted until they are fully processed. Requests for unprocessed electronic records can be submitted... for consideration, with at least two weeks advance notice. Access to original electronic media is restricted.
See moreExtent
From the Collection: 3.71 linear feet
From the Collection: 1.3 Megabytes
Language of Materials
From the Collection: English
Repository Details
Part of the Special Collections Repository
Wright State University Libraries
Special Collections and Archives
3640 Colonel Glenn Hwy
Dayton OH 45435-0001 USA