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Ross County, undated

 File — Box: 1, Folder: 3

Scope and Content

From the Collection:

The Benjamin Franklin Cryder Papers are an interesting and varied collection of documents concerning Ross County in the 19th century. The material in this collection gives insights into the geography of Ross County, the Civil War residents of Ross County in the 19th century, the events of that era, and B.F. Cryder himself. The collection is divided into four record groups or series. They are: survey maps, Civil War Bounty Re-enlistment Receipts and... Records, correspondence, and essays.

Series I, survey maps, contains hand drawn maps, some in color, of sections of land in Ross County. Some of the maps bear Cryder's signature and are believed to have been drawn by him. It is not known who drew the remaining maps. The earliest map in this collection was drawn in 1816.

Series II: bounty re-enlistment receipts and records, is valuable for the insights the records within it give into the Civil War. This series contains bounty reenlistment receipts for 1864-66, one of which has a letter from a Union soldier to his father written on it. On another letter in the same file is a stamp from that era. Also in this series is a list of subscribers to the Colerain Township, Ross County, Veteran Bounty Fund to which Cryder was a contributor. This record could be insightful for genealogists researching persons from Ross County. Finally, there is a financial statement of bounties paid by the Veteran Bounty Fund for the years 1862-64.

Series III contains a small amount of correspondence from the years 1880-86. Also in this series is a file containing unidentified documents.

Series IV contains a collection of essays; political, humorous, and personal, written by B.F. Cryder. The titles given to the essays by Cryder are listed in the inventory. Some of the essays were written for school by Cryder and contain corrections and comments by his instructor. These essays, some of which contain a number of drafts, give lively and fascinating insights into Cryder's personality and the topics and events of his time.

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  • Creation: undated


Restrictions on Access

There are no restrictions on accessing materials in this collection.


From the Collection: 0.5 linear feet

Language of Materials

From the Collection: English

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Repository Details

Part of the Special Collections Repository

Wright State University Libraries
Special Collections and Archives
3640 Colonel Glenn Hwy
Dayton OH 45435-0001 USA