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Church Service, 2995 Feb 06

 Item — Box: 20, Item: ms449_VID_085

Scope and Content

From the Collection:

The Trinity Baptist Church Records document the history of the church from 1916 to 2011. These records provide information on the church's correspondence, annual reports, minutes, membership files, and financial/treasurer information. The collection is arranged in four series and three subseries.

Series I, History, consists of information on the planning and commencement of the centennial celebration in 1986 as well as souvenir trivets from this event, the ideas for the outside sign of the church, deeds, new building planning materials, a small group of photographs including three aerial views of the church and one featuring the outside sign, new building dedications, and property information for the church's various locations over time.

Series II, Administration, features two large sections: Board of Trustee and Regular Business Meeting materials and minutes, annual reports, and correspondence. This series also contains a bound volume of Board of Deacons minutes from 1999 to 2002.

Series III, Financial, consists mainly of reports from the financial secretary and the treasurer, offerings, monthly statements, annual financial reports, and check receipts. The 2005-2006 financial reports are contained on three 3.5 inch floppy disks.

Series IV, Members, has the most variety of information and is arranged in three subseries. Subseries IVA, General, consists of baptismal records from 1969 to 1976, correspondence, and membership application cards which contain a wealth of personal information on the members such as date of birth and birth place, marriage date and spouse information. This subseries also contains the church directories listing all members with addresses, the earliest being from 1924-1934, then ranging from the 1960s to the 1990s. in addition, this subseries contains various pamphlets, news clippings, a small batch of photographs featuring pictures from picnics and the MS walk in 2005, yearbooks from 1962-1967, vacation bible school materials, Sunday school enrollment lists, and youth fellowship materials. Subseries IVB, Publications, consists of the weekly Sunday bulletins from 1933 to 2004 without many gaps of missing years. Also in this subseries are newsletters called Trinitarians that span from 1954 to 2005. Subseries IVC, Women's Societies, is divided into two separate societies, American Baptist Women and Women's Baptist Missionary, with the bulk of the information found in the latter. These Women's societies feature annual and treasure reports, meeting minutes for the various Women's Circle groups, including a bound ledger with the "Stitch & Chatter" club's minutes from 1952-1955, correspondence, handbooks, information for each location the Missionary Society visited including some souvenirs, handmade invitations for various celebrations held at the church, and officer's information. Series V, Audiovisual, includes video recordings of church services.


  • Creation: 2995 Feb 06


Restrictions on Access

There are no restrictions on accessing materials in this collection.


1 videocassettes (VHS)

Language of Materials

From the Collection: English

Repository Details

Part of the Special Collections Repository

Wright State University Libraries
Special Collections and Archives
3640 Colonel Glenn Hwy
Dayton OH 45435-0001 USA