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Subseries I-D: Personality VIP Files (PVIP), 1908 - 1997


Scope and Contents

Subseries I-D: Personality VIP Files (PVIP) may include photographs for specific “very important people” (frequently requested people). These have been separated out into their own special box(es), often a 3-ring binder box. Examples of PVIP files include several Presidents of the United States, Neil Armstrong, Charles F. Kettering, and the Wright Brothers.


  • Creation: 1908 - 1997


Restrictions on Access

The Dayton Daily News Archive is stored off-site. Please contact the Archives staff at 937-775-2092 or with your research topic at least three business days in advance of visiting to allow time to retrieve files.


From the Series: 698 linear feet

Language of Materials

From the Collection: English

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Files are arranged alphabetically by last name, first name. Photographs are typically in 3-ring binder boxes. Box identifiers use the following naming convention: PVIP_NAME_BOXNUMBER (e.g., PVIP_Wright_01).

Genre / Form

Repository Details

Part of the Special Collections Repository

Wright State University Libraries
Special Collections and Archives
3640 Colonel Glenn Hwy
Dayton OH 45435-0001 USA