"Pick up the Direct Line" Teen Health resource book, 1995
Scope and Contents
Group 1: Montgomery County Medical Society Alliance
Series I: Administrative (1948-2020, bulk 1972-1999) contains general administrative information, arranged chronologically by fiscal year, and by topic within the fiscal year. This material documents the activities of the MCMSA. It also documents their intersection with local, state, and national affairs, such as research on medically related legislation, and relationships with charities, educational... institutions, the Ohio State Medical Association, the American Medical Association. Topics are ordered as follows: general information, bylaws, people (e.g., membership, officers), agendas, minutes, financial information (treasurer’s reports, budgets, etc.), publications and publicity (e.g., newsletters), programs and projects (e.g., scholarships, fundraisers, community education, service), correspondence, state-level material (e.g. Ohio State Medical Association material, county reports to the OSMA, legislation), and national-level materials (e.g. American Medical Association materials, legislation).
Arrangement is based on original order of “President’s Books” in the collection, which form the bulk of the series. Starting in 1972-1973, each MCMSA president maintained a binder of records of administrative information and MCMSA activities during her term of office. The last consecutive president’s book dates to the 1998-1999 fiscal year, and only one other president’s book, for 2003-2004, postdates it. Administrative records after 2003-2004 are generally scattered.
Note: Because each President’s Book documented such a wide range of activities, its contents intersect with material in other series. For example, the President’s Book may contain planning information on membership drives, educational material (health awareness projects), and MCMSA Foundation activities about which other series may contain additional details.
Note: some administrative material from 1948-1950 is contained in the 1948-1950 historian’s notebook because it was glued to the scrapbook pages.
Series II: Membership (1948-2019) contains the MCMSA’s annual membership directories, as well as membership application forms and member data from the late 1980s and early 1990s.
Series III: Historian Notebooks (1948-2020 March) contains scrapbooks documenting the officers and activities of the Montgomery County Medical Association Alliance each fiscal year. A complement to the President’s Books, they include photographs and news clippings describing activities, as well as publicity material for programming and documents such as newsletters. Note that there are gaps from 1951-1955, 1964-1966, and for fiscal years 1984-1985, 2009-2010, 2010-2011, 2013-2014, 2014-2015, 2015-2016, 2017-2018, and 2018-2019. Note, too, that the 1948-1950 scrapbook contains some correspondence, which was glued to the scrapbook pages, that connects to material in Group I, Series I, Administrative.
Series IV: Educational Material, (circa 1989-2019) contains curriculum and educational materials developed by the Alliance to highlight healthy habits and local medical resources. These include materials on sun safety and skin cancer prevention, breast cancer awareness, tobacco usage and risks, and physical and mental health resources for teens.
Series V: Ohio State Medical Association Alliance, (1968-2008, bulk 1989-1995) contains scattered material documenting the relationship between MCMSA and the Ohio State Medical Association Alliance (OSMAA, formerly known as the Ohio State Medical Association Auxiliary or the Women’s Auxiliary to the Ohio State Medical Association). This is shown primarily through scrapbooks documenting years in which members of the MCMSA served as presidents of OSMAA. Additional information documenting the relationship between the state- and local-level Alliances, such as annual county reports and committee reports submitted to the OSMAA, appears in the Administrative series.
Note: This series does not contain the complete records of the Ohio State Medical Association Alliance.
Series VI: Awards, (1953-2017, bulk 1980-1995) contains certificates and awards given to the Montgomery County Medical Association Alliance by various organizations in Dayton, Montgomery County, and nationally, recognizing their contributions to causes like medical education. This includes an award signed by Tony Hall. There are also scattered resolutions passed by city and local governments.
Group 2: Montgomery County Medical Society Alliance Foundation (1980-2021), consists of material specifically relating to the Foundation, including bylaws and history. It also contains information on the applications of the Foundation’s funds, including fundraising and scholarship distribution or donations to the American Medical Association Education and Research Fund (AMA-ERF).
Because of the relationship between the Foundation and the Alliance, some information documenting the full extent and context of the Foundation’s activities (for example, F.A.M.E. planning, scholarship information, and Sharing Card information) appears in Group 1, Series I, Administrative. Additionally, also due to the overlap, some financial information relating to the Foundation, or to the MCMSA’s fundraising efforts before the Foundation’s creation, appears in treasurer’s notes in Group 1, Series I.
- Creation: 1995
- From the Collection: Montgomery County Medical Society (Ohio). Alliance (Organization)
Conditions Governing Access
Access to electronic files in this collection, indicated by an e-number (e.g., ms686_e0001), is restricted until they are fully processed. Requests for unprocessed electronic records can be submitted for consideration, with at least two weeks advance notice. Access to original electronic media is restricted.
From the Collection: 27.76 linear feet
From the Collection: 1.196 Gigabytes
Language of Materials
From the Collection: English
Repository Details
Part of the Special Collections Repository
Wright State University Libraries
Special Collections and Archives
3640 Colonel Glenn Hwy
Dayton OH 45435-0001 USA